I used to care but Blizz obviously hasn’t in a long time so I’m just like “whatever” at this point.
Its pretty much just a free for all now anyway. Pretty soon all classes will be available to all races and even the factions will be more or less nonexistent.
I don’t either. But after Lightforged Warlocks and Eredar Paladins, with the “lore” story being, “Because I felt like it…” I just declare enough to fight with anyone about it.
Two interviews. One said they’d work in more class/race combos, but ones that required more assets like Druids would be last… and another that then said they don’t have plans for any more anytime soon.
Just because I can imagine it doesn’t mean it is good world building. But like I said, Blizz doesn’t even care anymore. You can make a NE Warlock for crying out loud, you can’t really call foul on any race/class combo’s after that.
Yeah, Mechagnomes might be able to mimic animal forms but simply liking nature wouldn’t give them the magic that’s required, as these come from Wild Gods/Loa. Most of the comments in favor of expanding druids seem to forget that…
That being said, I don’t think poor decisions in one place justifies poor decisions to be made in other places
Because using that logic just makes things messier & messier more chaotically until it spirals into a silly mess Sure, you could argue we’re already in such a mess – But there’s still quite an amount of enjoyable aspects in the game through sensible lore attributes in WoW that correlate with the story.
It’s always so interesting to see so many people adamant that a person of a certain race can’t become a certain class because… um… race = ability I guess? Yeah there’s a reason DnD has been trying to distance themself from that type of thing… cuz they realized it’s kind of silly to say “sorry you were born this race, so you are not able to study this type of magic.”
It makes sense that in a time when Thalassian elves are trying to heal their land (and “unite the elven tribes,” which potentially includes their kaldorei cousins), they would seek to strengthen their connection with nature and explore more “old ways.” But even if it’s not something that’s widely adopted by the entire Thalassian population… who cares? If even a single blood elf can make the decision to train in druidism, then it should be a class/race combo option. If it is possible in lore, it should be possible in game. Even if it’s not likely. I mean, how likely is a void elf holy priest? Or a lightforged warlock? Sure they’re a bit goofy, but individual people can make individual choices, so players should be able to as well.
At this point I want any new Druid races. As a Druid main and I have like 9 Druids, I am dying for some new races. Though i’d buy a race change of Blood Elf became a thing as I hate trolls with a passion. lol.
In fantasy narratives, games etc – Different races tend to have various natures, cultural tensions and in many cases: Magical or physical components that are in direct contradiction or some kind of conflicts towards X from being Y.
For instance:
Mechagnome druid would imply that the robotic, metal & machinelike components ‘miraculously’ turn to flesh – Then able to shift back again … To some extent that would imply that they found both the ability to the curse of flesh and the cure; which sort of makes their whole gig of replacing body parts to replicate such a process sort of pointless.
Undead druids would imply that they somewhat found a cure to undeath and miraculously became a living, thriving creature — Especially depending on what form you selected from the customisation menu @ the barbershop.
So yeah, there’s certain components with races & the sort that conflict with them being able to have particular classes.
… That all being said however, I don’t really think that Blood Elf druids has too many conflicts as the above and with the right lore I could easily see them happening.
As it stands, especially with the Primalists lore – I think shamanism could be opened up to just about every race with little to no conflict, save except perhaps Lightforged Draenei due to the light apparently blinding them from shamanism? or at least it felt hinted that way, but yeah.
Yeah, that makes sense. I’m not saying that mechagnome cannot be druid, but, it just does not fit in my head.
Just my opinion.
That being said, I like your description of how a mechagnome druid would work.
Depends on the world you are trying to build. Do you want magic to be just a generic skill that anyone can learn like playing guitar or riding a bike? Or do you want magic affinity to have a deeper meaning than that?
That is why Druid and Shaman magics were more restricted because it made the classes and the races they were available to have a bit of uniqueness to them. It gave them and the world character.
Again if they want magic to just be this generic thing then sure. It pretty much removes all the distinction among the elves and why they ever separated and evolved down different paths to begin with, but that is certainly the direction Blizz is moving.
Yep it sure is goofy. And dumb. Really says a lot about how much even Blizz cares about its own lore these days. I have no doubt one day we will have BE druids and Forsaken Paladins and every other ridiculous combo out there.
The limiting factor will be the art assets needed when it comes to druids.