Blood Elf Death Knights - Red Eyes?

I agree, it does feel bad. I’ve done everything in my power to try and guide the discussion in calm and orderly way. Early on in the thread I was polite and tried to ask that Kel voice her opinion once, and allow us to have our request thread.

I have asked others in this forum to leave her alone, as she cannot continue to be toxic if people do not interact with her. I was ignored. People want to argue with her, and I cannot stop them from doing so.

To be honest, if we had 540 messages of support and approval, Blizzard might have seen the eagerness of the community; however, due to a few bad apples it has turned this thread relatively toxic. That is why at first I kept flagging certain posts.

Blizzard’s representatives did nothing to prevent this thread from turning into what it is. And I am saddened by this choice. But is it ultimately their rule set and I am certain they have some wisdom that guides their principles.

But yeah part of the reason why this thread has so many replies is there is a number of people who really do want this change. I’m really hoping the blizzard staff / moderators / people internally who see this thread can ignore the bad apples whomst are poisoning a simple request thread, and see those people who are legitimately hopeful for this change.

To those who are disgusted by the behavior here. I am sorry for that. I can’t do anything about it. But I am right there with you wishing things could be better here.

Any word on this becoming a thing any time soon?

Atm best you can do is night elf DK with night warrior eyes (black)

Would be brilliant, let’s hope they make it happen.

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If being toxic means a disagreement then you shouldnt be on the forums. Reporting my posts which dont break the rules is against the rules itself, its false reporting.

Its not Blizzards responsibility for people to be civil which you guys havent been, you are still doing it blaming me for your failings to bring a good reason for this change. Period. If it only takes 1 person to show how wrong people are on this thread then it shouldnt be in the game.

The fact is if you are an elf, and you are a dk, you are already Darkfallen. Darkfallen doesnt equal red eyes, someone going in and changing the wiki (which you just need an account to do and dont have to back up the changes you made) doesnt make Lady Alistra a Death Knight. I can go in and say Patchwerk is a DK but it doesnt make it true.

Your behavior I think is probably the worst in this thread. Its very authoritative hidden behind trying to look virtuous. Dont blame me because Death Knights shouldnt have red eyes and they dont and never have. The lore behind it doesnt fit. Blizzard already cemented that Death Knights have blue eyes.

The problem is that you need to touch Grass, Kelliste. And the fact you disregard all the counter arguments that people made (including me.) that contradict your theories. (which are based off speculation at most, and that’s being generous.)

Your arguments are poor, and you repeat them over and over despite evidence showing the contrary.


Why can lightforge dreani have golden eyes if they are reanimated as undead dk? Surely we can get the red eye colors. I’m sure all races can get more eye customization and more options for others.

More customization for all classes and races. Let’s go.


Because the Lightforged cannot have golden eyes as a DK. They are blue as well.

Oh yes, so then we can have:

Red, Green, Purple. White, AND Black! as options because you know the maw has those white and black swirlies so we should totally get White and black as eye options ebcause then our eyes are even more MAW colored.


Well, I hope so :slight_smile:

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Holy heck everytime I see you posting you are always so aggressive! :grimacing: Thats an easy ignore/block from me bud.

Imagine getting this upset about eye color cosmetic options in a video game LOL

On the topic at hand I get why “kinda” they have DKs mostly locked to blue eyes, but it seems pretty silly at this point. Especially considering unholy is green themed and blood is red, at least give us the 3 options. Red blue or green, can even make them all glowy I don’t care

Practicing Necromancy there, elf?

I dont know who you are nor do I really care. I think its pretty aggressive to put someone on ignore yet talk about them and they cant say anything back to you.

There is only one real question, have people completely ignored what RPG means in MMORPG. We arent talking about equipment dyeing here, this is changing the rules to what a death knight is within the story.

Unhid you just because I was curious but it is exactly what I expected. You didn’t even read it engage with my post I’ll ask yet again.

Do you think my idea was lore incoherent? I said give us glowy eyes, Blue, Red and Green to represent each spec. This wouldn’t be a lore break, the lich king was even red himself lately before he got dethroned. Go walk around the DK order hall and see the color themes, go open your talent tree maybe.

There is no realistic reason to keep it locked to blue eyes only.

Ask what? You didnt ask anything in the first place, it was all statements.

That was your original post, no questions at all for me to answer at all and you want to blame me for not reading. Now do you see why I act like I do on here? You guys act like im an idiot all the time, toxic and “derailing the thread” yet you just stated you asked a question that I didnt read or respond to yet there were no questions. Gaslighting at its finest.

Yes, your suggestion of seemingly make eye color based on the spec, does not fit within the lore. Yes, it would absolutely break lore. The Dark Ranger eye color is red yet they dont channel blood magic. What is it about Blood magic that would turn undead eye color red? Lets look at the San’layn for example… yellow eyes for the Blood Prince Council, Blood Queen had black eyes, and the knights have blue eyes.

What about the DK order hall? Let me guess… Thassarian, Lady Whitemane, Lady Alistra and that blind orc… Thassarian and Whitemane DO have blue glowing eyes and its a game limitation with the face option. Thassarian has blue glowing eyes in the official comic and hes on the cover, and Whitemanes eyes are glowing blue after Bolvar gets pulverized by Sylv and she and another Horseman is carrying him. So all you really have left is Lady Alistra which no one actually knows what she is. Shes most likely a banshee in the flesh that stayed with the Ebon Blade after the Battle for Lights Hope. And if anything she taught the Unholy school so if the eye color was going to change based on spec then Unholy eye color should be red. If thats the argument you really want to go.

So yes, there are lore reasons to keep DK eye color blue. Undead eye color is due to necromancy. Banshee eye color is red through gaining their bodies back by renouncing their magics and accepting necromancy, Death Knights are domination magic which is the same blue our eyes are.

Still a desire from DK players! C’mon Blizzard.


wtf… i just looked Night elves have Night WARRIOR eyes for DKs… why don;t we have red for the void elf, blood elf and night elf. actually add nightborne to that list just because.
i want to make my vampire a true vampire for the San’layn hero talents and the blood spec vampirism.

Everyone please go into the Suggestion Box under support and Suggestion/Bug report option. and Please let blizzard know we want the Red Dark Ranger eyes for our DK’s as a option for all 4 elves.

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You aren’t a dark ranger, and darkfallen doesn’t equal red eyes. Blizzard already said DKs have blue eyes and double downed on it in SL.

The reason why night elves have night warrior eyes is because of an oops in BFA. They fixed the bug/oops but they couldn’t put the cat back in the bag. That’s the only reason why night elves can have night warrior eyes as a Dk.

Well since the blood talent tree art has red eyes might as well let people use them if they want.