Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

I’m on board for all kinds of new stuff for Blood Elves from hair colors and hairstyles to eye colors, scars and new classes so yes please to all of this and more for Blood Elves. :hearts: :hearts: :hearts:


I would sell an organ for some of those hairstyles.


The San’layn and Fel Blood shouldn’t be too difficult to bring back into the fold.

I believe at the end of Shadowlands Lor’themar wanted to meet with Kael’thas and I think they could use that opportunity for recruitment of the edgy blood elves.


No to Blood Elf Druids and Shaman. Doesn’t fit their motif at all, lore breaking, bad idea. Not worth the damage it does to the game just so people can run around as another cat form reskin for 5 minutes. Stop breaking your own game.

Everything else I’m alright with, character customization is always a good thing.

They already said they’re moving to all classes on all races.

And quite frankly blood elves have a vested interest in healing the land, so it would be fun to see that story w blood elf Druids leading the way.


Ok. I’ll continue to express my disagreement with the idea long after it’s implemented as well. Blood elves don’t have any more vested interest in healing the land than any other race that has nothing to do with nature magic. Their entire backstory goes entirely against everything that druidism represents. So you’re just wrong, basically.


I would 100% make a blood elf druid if the forms are like that!


I really can’t wait to see the totems, forms and racial mounts for races that are currently lacking Shamans, Druids and Paladins especially on Blood Elves because I just love them so much!!! :heartpulse: :heartpulse: :heartpulse:


Oh bub it’s a little late. Lol

Why wouldn’t they want to heal their land? It’s kinda a sticking point for them… You know… Dead Scar constantly spawning Scourge…

You know little about blood elves it seems…

I imagine the totems will be little blood crystals with elements floating round em…


This would be way cool, you have some super great ideas. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Several quests literally deal w checking the health of the land and impact of the dead scar.

Also Farstrider culture is very intricately tied to nature, and that’s already established.

Either way they said to be moving to all races getting all classes so I guess the same people mad about warlocks rn can be mad about Blood Elf Druids. Personally I hopped on board w the all races getting all classes situation bcz it’s happening regardless, and it’s something for everyone so no complaints here.


I know, it’s pretty unfortunate. Wow is probably beyond saving.

Always… always insults with the posters on this forum. I swear.

It sounds like it’s you who doesn’t know anything about Blood Elf lore, or you’re just choosing to ignore it. In universe, Blood Elves entire culture and history was built around them being a offshoot of High Elves, a civilization that has always turned it’s back to nature in favor of the arcane. Everything Blood Elves have ever stood for across 10,000 years of lore is about the Blood Elves being arcane centric, delving into dark arts, going against nature in search of power. That is literally the lore the race is founded on, the one thing that separates them from Night Elves and a Druidic culture, and is absolutely central to their background.

If you want to cast your vote in favor of lore ruining class/race combos, go right ahead. Everyone knows you’re going to get what you want, the damage is done. But don’t pretend that this isn’t tossing previously established lore out the window just so you can get a new cosmetic in the game and the enjoyment lore oriented players have gotten from WoW over the years is irrelevant to you.

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Hopping on board with horrible ideas just because other people are going along with them is not a great way to live.

Not the take away at all.

Opening up all classes to all races is imo fair.

Blood Elves have a vested interest in healing Quel’thalas that has already been established, asking for that to be the link for druids isn’t a reach, denying that narrative exists at all is the reach.


Oh my, we have a new thread with pics this time! So good! :dracthyr_heart:


We should get our chance to see our area healed in game like it has been in lore outside of the game. Our magic used on nature is like miracle grow.

And Night Elves got mages despite being against magic use. And it wasn’t that we were against nature. We just didn’t join druidism, but that never should mean there wouldn’t be some that have.

Especially since player characters are not in lore.


I don’t know if you saw Baals idea of linking healing the land w a peace treaty w the Amani and bringing them into the Horde as well, seems very good imo


I think it’s time Blizz lets the Amani heal. They’ve made them into punching bags for so long.


So one quest where they send a blood elf to go plant a flower or something means we should completely overturn everything else about the entire racial identity. Yep, you’re honorary Druids now, just completely throw out all of the 10,000 years worth of lore, all the content from entire books that were written to convey who the Blood Elves are. Just all gone.

The only reason to have different races in the first place is that each one has you know… differences. You add all of these cosmetics, remove all restrictions, and then there is no Blood Elf… just another basic Elf clone that can look any way, play any class. And nothing matters.

Just another case of shortsighted players asking for game breaking changes, not remotely interested in the damage the changes do. Like real life Voidlings just consuming everything they touch until all turns to entropy.

Another bad, damaging idea that never should have gone through.