Blood Elf Customization Thread (Glory of the Sin'dorei)

Blizz isn’t great at consistencies.

It’s not lost on me, Helfer. I just accept what Blizz says. You try to force fanon on me.

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What? He was the only blue eyed blood elf in TBC, how is that not consistent? He was clearly not a Blood elf originally given the lore and the lengths they went to tell us that ALL blood elves were effected. The fact that every single blood elf in game had green eyes. You used the fact that we had blue eyed npcs to support your argument and then the moment it doesn’t support your argument anymore you try to handwave it as “oh theyre bad at consistency”

the transparency is real.

Except Blizzard literally called it High elf customization, you’re literally putting your fingers in your ears because it doesn’t suit your agenda.

I said there were blue eyed NPCs not exposed. I didn’t even mention Darnarian. There are a few Blood Elves with blue eyes. Just random NPCs.

Yes it is quite

All Alliance looking Helves. Very interesting.

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In TBC? Where?

You must be really new to this whole debate if you just read my accounts and think I’m a helfer. I’m pretty sure anyone here can recognize me as pretty anti-alliance helf.

Blue and gold is the original High elf colors, not alliance.

No you aren’t as well know as you think.

It’s been discussed here before.

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I am though, I was literally the one that put a stop to the whole “blue eyes on blood elves was a bug” argument from the alliance camp when I reached out to Danuser to confirm whether or not Lanesh Steelweaver’s eyes were canonically blue or just a bug. I’ve been around for quite some time hun.

Why do I care about someone speculating?

Oh so you can speculate but not that guy?

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Oh what am I speculating on? You made the assertion that blue eyed blood elf npcs were a sign that the fel was fading, I provided you with an example of a blood elf with blue eyes as early as TBC that disproved your “speculation” and you’ve ran around in circles.

And the funny thing is the FIRST reply is someone quite literally telling them the blue eyed elves were High elves.

Your whole thing that us getting the customizations must mean that some Helves are coming home to live permanently is speculation. Someone clicking on Blue eyed NPCs that call themselves Sindorei are a bit more than that even.

Correction. Blizz saying what it was in a CDev interview.


Except it is just as easily an explanation as to why we have blue eyes as your theory that the fel is just fading. No official source has come out and stated which possibility it could be, you trying to assert it as fact is conjecture at best.

We don’t know what the blue eyed elves refer to themselves as, since we haven’t had any story updates on them.

The Dev literally said that was a possible reason, that does not mean that is why we got these options now. Since Danuser quite literally said these options were for players to have access to subrace options.

They have LITERALLY said this.

It’s not my theory.

A CDev interview did.

So you agree they aren’t always consistent?

It absolutely does. Way more than the theory that some NPCs are coming home to roost.


Blizzard saying it could be a possible reason in the past, is not the same as them coming out and saying it IS the reason now, especially with countless rational possibilities. Your theory is just that, a theory.

They also called them subrace options, so

What does that have to do with consistency? It’s not like we had them refer to themselves as sindorei and then suddenly not, we dont know what a npc refers to themselves as until they do.

No, it “absolutely” doesn’t, especially when the alternative is just as likely. If it were merely to represent the fel fading, why would danuser call it a subrace customization, or tell players that these options were to help them identify as subraces in the game?

How about this, I stick with what they said. You stick with what you believe. Because I’m not going around and around about this.

This is all about you wanting to call yourself a Helf. Boom you’re a Helf. Have a good night.

They do literally say that though. Glory to the Sindorei.


I’ll stick to what Danuser literally referred to it as, and it’s purpose than clinging to a Q&A a decade old that happened before the idea of making it an option was even dreamt of. But keep clinging to that.

Again, could care less after what Danuser said. It’s very clear you’re just covering your eyes and ears any time information you don’t like is said.

Yeah, we also have non-alliance humans that say “For the alliance” when you speak to them. Are we really using race dialogue as an argument?

I’m reading what was said. And that it was said that we are also Helves.

So they really aren’t consistent. So Darnarian was likely just another example. Nice!

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I’m literally telling you what was said by Danuser himself.

Consistent? What isn’t consistent? They’ve never changed the voices of race NPCs, trying to put stock into that now is only pointing out that you really are on your last leg.

Yes that we got Helf customizations because we are Helves.

It’s not a last leg at all. They are either consistent or inconsistent. The voice lines either make them Belves, or they are a mistake and Darnarian is also a mistake.

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Except Blood elf is not a subrace of Blood elf, Danuser said these options were for us to identify our characters as those subraces. Saying that “Blood elves are High elves” does not change the fact that these options were for us to identify as High elves, not to look like blue eyed blood elves.

This was literally the intention of these customizations by Danuser’s word.

It is, because in order for it to be inconsistent there would need to be some form of consistency to compare it against. But races have NEVER used unique voice lines unless they were an NPC of importance. Even races that do not belong to the groups of Azeroth will use their generic race voice lines.

Using that as an argument is so weak.

He already knows we are that race. And NPCs coming back to give you the official title wouldn’t make you a subrace either. You’d just be calling yourself by your race instead of the name used to honor the fallen. It was likely more intended for the others that are subraces.

You only think it’s weak because it doesn’t fit in with what you want.

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Then he wouldn’t be referring to High elves as a subrace if he was just referring to Blood elves point blank. Are we really that steeped in denial that you’re going this route? He clearly refers to the customization as a way for players to identify as the High elf subrace.

I don’t think anyone would be convinced by your argument on an NPC’s voice lines when they’ve never been a reliable way to identify a character’s race.