Blood Elf Customization Desires Thread

Don’t get me wrong, that is what I want.

High elf and blood should still have some crossover. It’s just how the lore was written.

They’re both attached to the Sunwell which is a font of Arcane and Holy now.

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I agree with almost all of these suggestions and desires. Please give the males especially more options, currently datamining shows only 3 new hair styles and 3 beard styles outside of shared new skin tones, hair colors and ear sizes as well as the bald style alongside the females. My boys need fresh looks Blizzard please :sob:

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Not before orcs get a shoulderpad slider

If we get a boob slider before I can look like this:

I’m going to cast blood fury IRL

At most give us both sliders at the same time


I’m still waiting for a long hairstyle with braids in it.


hair lengthening slider for belf fems the ability to mix differnt aspects of each hairstyle together.

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I think they should add leaves in there hair and whatnot similar or if not exactly like theyre giving to the Night Elfs with there new customization, I think it’d go well with a Ranger aesthetic

also boob sliders


Oh you. <3

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Sliders would make me so happy.


They would be lovely, but I am unsure if the 16 year old engine WoW runs on can handle them when pertaining to height and body part sizes.

technically, you could just have a few different sizes, just like hair style options, and select the size you want. the problem is, the armor. armor is designed to have the same dimensions on people of a specific race/gender combo. it doesnt scale to your dimensions. they’d have to redesign all the armor in the game for each new size. that aint gonna happen lol

when creating image scaling in website coding, you can have items scale to the size of the browser window. i dont think its that simple in hard coded game engines though. i suppose they could add it on as some kind of extension to their engine. be rather complicated though as all it would be doing is changing the x,y,z parameters, mostly the z parameter, of part of the armor , leaving the rest of it the same.

that sounds like a recipe for all manner of graphical problems, where your boobs are temporarily shrinking and growing during animations as the engine and data transfer try to coordinate for your selection. cause it would naturally start with the original, non-modified size as the base.

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Blizz needs to just let this happen already. Credit to Somand for this edit of Reno’s character.


Would be an insta pre-order from me.


I am living for this look.

As an avid Blood Elf player, I implore Blizzard to allow these options for playable Blood Elves.


I want a hair style that looks like Timeskip Dimitri.

Someone put an image, I can’t!


I would honestly be ecstatic if there were more longer hair style options. I’m talking about hair to the waist or at least longer than shoulder (-ish) length. I also would be happy if there were wavy/curly/kinky hair options as well. Rather than just straight hair.


You mean from Fire Emblem?



That one! Yes, we need one like this. Closest one is held by the Void Elves. But it’s too long on the front.


Let Blood Elves have their Runes!


Drede, you oh so high human with privilege. Please upload a “time skip Dimitri” picture.

Hugs him beforehand

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That was just linked.

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