Blood Elf Celebration Thread

Like Blood Elves?

I give you a formal welcome to the Blood Elf thread, by the way, a thread about Blood Elves, celebrating Blood Elf customization. For Blood Elves.


I know this may come as unpopular, but I´d humbly request scars -especially facial ones- (I mean if our dear racial leader can sport one… why can´t our toons?)

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This is a celebration thread, stop turning it into another High Elf thread.


you have a desire to play a core horde race not a strong case. the option to play a traditional fantasy high elf in WoW is on the horde and waiting for you. as it should be


Forget that I love what they are doing to the trolls, man that’s gonna be tight.

These look great, some nice new options for the Blood Elves. Thank’s for sharing them.


And it’s been true since BC, it’s not really anyone’s fault who is happy about finally getting blue eyes (a request since high/blood elves were added to the game) and it’s just been something that’s a long time in coming.

It’s going to impact a massive group of the community, more people play a blood elf than any race out there and this is a great day for all the players out there. Just like all the other amazing customizations for the other races, we’re finally getting a long standing request and it’ll help really show the history, heritage, and future of this race!

Going to be so many more options for RP and just your own enjoyment and I’m incredibly excited Blizzard is really giving us more choice.


I’m waiting for Undead BE skins akin to Dark Rangers :disappointed_relieved:

I think their comments on player choice support allowing us to choose this, and they have the pre exisiting Sylvanas loyalists, and or anyone who wants that look. Technically Dark Rangers are hunters but it wouldn’t be hard to assume Sylvanas had other useful loyal Blood Elves raised if fallen, or taken into her service.

It’s something I’ve seen float about that I am really rooting for. :sob:



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Well well well, if isn’t the consequences of your own actions.

It only comes off that way because you’re being defensive. Not because it’s true.


I’d like to see Death Knight hair colors opened up to their respective races also.


i want a pixie hair style!


Yey Mag’har elf!

Where do babies come from?

Woohoo! Blood elves :smiley:

This would be amazing!

I would love to see something like the new undead hairstyles or some slightly altered versions of the void elf hair styles. I think they’ll add new hair but we’ll have to wait for a few updates!

Now, if they’d only get that finalized and on the model viewer that’d be great and could start showing off how we’d change our toons :slight_smile:


Honestly blue eyes is far, far less important to me than blue hair / ice white hair. Give me those and green eyes and I’ll be happy as a clam tbh. Ain’t nothing stopping anyone Hordeside from changing their TRP to High Elf if they want. That’s how different Belf and Helf is.

Alliance seems to just be mad that a fringe group of traitors to Silvermoon aren’t playable, even though they got a group of traitors to Silvermoon, in the form of Void Elves. If Void Elves were in WC2 and they got High Elves instead; they’d probably be crying like Baby Mario also.


They should give Void Elves extra mouths and eyes under their armor.

Their basically Jenova from FFVII anyways. :smiling_imp: