Blood Elf Celebration Thread

I still am not convinced we’re getting them, I’d be happy of course if we did. I’d really rather we all waited till we know for sure instead of jumping on things we’re not sure about.

Well that’s the nature of speculation, is it not? I just wish the conversation wasn’t belligerent when it comes to someone saying “these don’t look like BE eyes to me”

As an aside:

Okay the left ones do look like VE eyes; current theory I like is that Allied Races are indeed getting more color options because they are making the eye technology consistent across all races, since races like KT, Mechagnomes, Maghar etc all have different possible options, they are going to add small variations for Void Elves and Nightborne and Zandalari? It could be part of how eyes are just separated from face and allows for just more options. But these? They don’t look like BE eyes nor like HE eyes nor VE eyes, so I still hope they are part of a Covenant related customization.

Honestly, besides darker skin tones and proper dark hair the blood elf customization so far has been really lake luster. It’s alpha datamining but still, I’d like some tattoos, scars, and beards. Come on blizzard. It’s the most popular race and we care more than most about how are characters look.


After seeing how they keep adding stuff to the other races I’m pretty sure blood elves will also get a LOT more options. Probably a lot more for all really.

This new stuff for humans is great, makes me hopeful for more beard and face options


Meh, humans are boring.

Generally just using them as an example that we’re definitely seeing more come for each race since what’s been datamined for humans has been extensive!


It’s nice of you to be cheerful for others but, we are the true High Elves who were left behind for retreat meat shield for those lame humans.

No love for them.

Oh hey look a Dwarf mohawk!

Anyone planning on using those body jewelry customization on their elves?

Eh, it’s a nice idea but I don’t want to take my characters top off if we can’t mog the bra. Plus all of the skimpy armor is from vanilla and have a combined 27 pixels.


Maybe the necklace part of it will show on some outfits. I was really hoping for some more earring and necklace options.


i think im going to make this make mage blue eyes with dark skin now

It depends if the body jewelry shares a slot with something else. I do have a piece I’d like to wear but we really need to see more of what’s going on for me to decide!

I’ll def put some blue eyes on, the gold body jewel that’s mostly around the waist and probably tan up a bit.

i hope they give body jewellery and necks to all female races

I really want new faces for Blood elves… Like can we please get something more up-to-date than what we have.


id love some new faces too

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things that did not age well:

this thread


Don’t be that kind of person. I’m bummed for the people that only wanted more options for their characters. For those that took joy in “winning” and mocking HE fans, I’m also bummed, because I get what’s not having what you want.

I just hope this makes us all a bit nicer and more understanding.


You have to whine for us?

i mean that’s a stretch longer than yankee stadium, chief.

i just said that this thread didn’t age well.


I’ll just let you whine for us, then.