Blood DK nurfs + Overall Tank nurfs =?

Season 1 of BFA BDK was king.

You shouldn’t be death striking at full hp or using all your RP death striking while full hp.

If you took damage after that triple death strike you’d have no way to recover.

I’ll assume this is not push content which was my point here:

I did take damage. I took 800k damage per second. But other people have a more expansive vocabulary than me so I’ll just cite them:


You had 100% health you emptied your runic power.

How many runes did he have?

You realize all you’re doing is proving that you don’t know how to play the class properly right?

I wouldn’t say that. I would say there’s currently different reasons to play differently in different content.

Playing differently and understanding why you play differently are two very different things.

Sure. Let’s get back on topic of these nerfs :popcorn:

if you were responding to me, then yea, #metoo
People are ruthless when they’re just not good at a video game and can’t think outside what sites told them to think.

That guy is a troll. He’s always telling people they’re wrong or don’t know how to play while never posting anything of substance. Notice how he never explains why someone is wrong or corrects a player he claims they don’t know how to play.

My very first post in this thread was correcting someone who said the change would result in using death strike exactly the same as before the change. If you don’t get how this is fundamentally wrong and need to have it further explained to you, that’s a you issue. I’m not going to spend my time explaining basic fundamentals to someone too lazy to go in the discord and see just how wrong they are. Lazy people always want others to do their work for them.

No, it goes like this:

Last 5 seconds you took 1mil + 200k = 1.2mil

First DS will heal you for 22% of the damage = 250k health.

Second death strike will not use any of that damage a second time (no double dipping anymore). You will get the minimum 7% of your total HP, without any additional healing from the 1.2mil.


So before the change it would go like this:

You get hit for 1million + 200k auto attack

You death strike to full health.
Your second death strike over heals.

After the change it would go like this:

You get hit for 1million + 200k auto attack

You death strike to full health.
Your second death strike over heals.

Why do you think Death Strike will heal you to full health in that scenario? If you have only taken 1.2 million damage, you cannot heal for 1.2 million health. That’s just not how DS works.

(I put spaces between the . and com in the Imgur links below.)

I took a look at your logs, namely your highest healing log from Dragonflight, Zskarn on 7/18/23. During that fight, on several occasions, you cast two Death Strikes in close succession (i.e. < 5 seconds apart). imgur. com/a/rWkJcCd

In fact, in that log, which is your best healing log, 42% of your Death Strike casts occurred within five seconds of another Death Strike cast. 18% of your Death Strike casts occurred within one second of another Death Strike cast.

With the goal of helping a less experienced BDK, I also took a look at a few of your other logs. Here are some pointers for you:

  • On several logs, I see you wasting RP. It is very important to cast Death Strike any time you are at RP cap or your next RP-generating attack would put you above RP cap. Wasted RP = wasted potential damage! imgur. com/a/x6RqWFR
  • In a similar vein, you want to spend runes to ensure you aren’t holding more than three at any time. I found several logs with far too much time spent above three runes, which represents a significant decrease in rune generation. imgur. com/a/Fv7KGKD

Blood is a very rhythmic spec, with an ebb and flow of damage in, healing, damage in, healing, and so on. It takes time to master that rhythm! I think you may not be ready to give advice on the forums until you are a bit more familiar with the spec. :slight_smile:


My visceral response is that I might drop tanking on my DK, but we’ll see. I’ll reserve judgement until we see it in action. Overall though, I very much hate all of the tank changes. Tanking had just edged out mDPS for me in Dragonflight, and to see it nerfed so hard going into WWI makes me think that there’s good odds that I just go back to bruiser mDPS.

I have 0 tolerance for a kiting meta, and DF did a really great job of getting rid of a lot of the garbage that kept me from tanking in SL and BFA. If we go back to a meta where I can’t control my own survival, therefore the overall pace of the dungeon, I just won’t tank. Skill of the healer influencing routing decisions is not a variable that I’m willing to deal with.


This no doubt increases the value of external damage reduction effects too. May wonk up heal rankings a bit too.

Oh boy.

I actually like the direction this is going, like being more of a “real tank” taking less spike damage and all but I absolutly don’t trust Blizzard to make it work in time for S1, not without a full rework.

But who knows.

For those who plays FFXIV, I think BDK being more like a XIV’s Warrior, in terms of balance between self heal and raw sustain, would be great. Could become OP, though :sweat_smile:

its like they trying to ruin the game before expansion release I dont want to even play anymore

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The sequential death strike healing nerf hurts them in M+ more than it does in raid. This isn’t that big of a deal in raid, but it is a horrific change for M+.

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