Blood DK nurfs + Overall Tank nurfs =?

These are probably too many negative changes for BDK to be a good idea S1. Thoughts?

Yep blood dk is finished.

Its going to be a re run of shadowlands season 1 where in tanks had to kite.

Even though they said “tank gameplay should not include having to kite” They made 20 changes above that that very highly indicate that its in fact going to be the case.

Tanks are already getting destroyed pretty hard in my beta experience anyway.


I’ve always noticed Blood DKs generally start as the lowest or bottom ranked tanks at the start of every expansion, then scale up well later on.

I guess we wait on the first few weeks of these changes to see the outcome and whether Blizzard adjust the changes depending on Blood DK performance.

yea, pretty much what’s going to happen is nobody is going to play BDK, just like SL S1. That’s why I was gold parsing- nobody else was playing it lol


That’s about when I hit KSM as blood. I remember getting nasty whispers as well…

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Interesting that you can no longer double tap DS for the same amount of healing, they’re really going to have to beef up our other sources of healing to compensate. The math isn’t mathing in my head, might bump the value of Red Thirst and Umbilicus to keep us healthy via other means.

Yeah I’m super bothered. I’ve outgrown 13s on my blood here, and can take the damage from 14s just fine, and would need a 15 to actually start sweating.

As far as math goes, at 100% health, it’s too late and I’m in danger of dieing. Blood shield has to be to up. So now it’s going to be optimal to wait 5 seconds between death strikes, that means blood shield will fall off. And now blood shield is gonna only cap at 50% max health??? Absolutely unacceptable, I routinely get up to 100% blood shield on fort weeks. That talent that makes consumption contribute to blood shield better put in some work. Especially since 1st season of the expansion means secondary stats are lower, so no where near the levels of mastery we have right now.

The healable part of the health bar isn’t large enough for the goal of letting the healer contribute to survivability, and I don’t think the meager increase to bone shields is going to alleviate that. I think reverting the 50% blood shield cap, and buffing mastery to compensate for nerfing Death Strike into the ground is in order. Idk now the talent tree is going to feel even more restrictive because now I feel like I can’t afford to not take Foul Bulwark, Hemostasis, or Voracious to prop up blood shield.

Watched beta key streams last night and blood dk was doing well. Too many people are dooming about these changes.

Remember, dungeon tuning could make these changes mean nothing or be super impactful.

This isn’t correct. Taking damage buffs your next death strike. There isn’t a time limit on it. You still use death strike exactly how you should before the changes.

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Unless they reverted something this is completely untrue.

I think maybe you did not read the original post.

First of all, there is always a time limit on Death Strike. Damage taken more than 5 seconds in the past is not used in the heal calculation, so DS must be timed carefully.

This change is saying that you may now only heal for one DS worth of health per hit. Now, if I take a 1 million damage hit, if I have planned ahead and have sufficient RP, I can DS two or three times and heal almost fully. With this change, if I take a 1 million damage hit, the first DS would heal me but any subsequent DS would not heal back any of that 1 million damage. Much less overall healing.

This is a fundamental change and absolutely obliterates the value of good RP management for defensive use.


Want to touch up on DS healing with new changes…

Say you get hit by 1mil damage, then an Auto for 200k… Will the first DS heal for the 1mil then the 2nd DS for the 200k hit…?

Or does the 200k hit override the 1mil hit (since its the most recent) so the first DS heals for the 200k hit and the 2nd DS heals for min hp…?

OR… Are we just now adding a 3rd resource bar… where we pool Damage taken, then a DS clears such pool…

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You shouldn’t be double tapping death strike though. Anyone doing this is playing incorrectly and will be punished more for doing it.

Please don’t spread misinformation.

I’ve seen your posts enough to know you’re a clueless contrarian. Stop trolling people by misinforming them.

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Yeah, this is just not true.

First off, there are some cases where you want to dump RP in anticipation of entering DRW.

Secondly, there are cases where doubling up healing with consecutive uses of DS is beneficial, especially if you have the foresight to know that you are about to take a big hit or enter into a low-DTPS phase where defensive RP is less valuable.

Do you play BDK?


It’s this one fam. So if you double death strike the second one is trying to drink from a recently emptied pool. The pool overflows at 5 seconds.


It continues to be clear that nobody at blizz plays DK or has ever played DK. They obviously have no clue how the class really functions or what the players actually want. Still have DnD cleave on the DPS specs and this class has the worst damage mitigation, which is made up for by self healing. So the clear answer is nerf the healing… GJ Blizz!


The irony of this is you’re wrong. I love the forums.

I’d save yourself the trouble, that person is constantly wrong about gameplay. No use arguing with a blue parsing warrior.


Double tapping death strike will overheal you and you should be using heart strike to get more RP for the next time you need death strike and to keep your runes available<4 or blood boil to stack up hemostasis.


Flag this Flowery troll as trolling and move on.


The no double dipping on DS recover healing making it more optimal to wait till you’ve taken enough damage feels bad.

I hope they implement something to make it so we never wind up in a situation where we stop pushing buttons because we don’t want to DS till we’ve taken damage but we cant spend runes either because we are out or will over cap RP

Maybe making it so you can only consume as many Coagulating Blood stacks as it takes to bring you above 90% HP would be in order. Making it so you can still bank on having them if things take a turn and you’ll always get value.