Blood DK nurfs + Overall Tank nurfs =?

You’re still going to hit DS to prevent being over capped on runic power, you still hit death strike after a big hit, and you don’t double cast death strike. The difference will be the you’ll be punished more for casting death strike back to back.

Death strike fills your health bar there is no reason to hit it twice when you could use heart strike or blood boil.

:pinching_hand: :brain:


Any single damage instance can only count once towards increasing your death strike heal so multiple death strikes won’t do the same healing.

Assuming they scale mob damage correctly and actually get a smoothed out damage profile for tanks, there SHOULD be a difference and it SHOULD be covered by the healer. BDK shouldn’t be as self sufficient anymore in progression content, and I think all tanks are looking at a similar scenario right now.

Because of the scaling nature of the game, BDK will almost assuredly hit a point in any farm content (like crest farms) where we can be fully self sufficient.

Blood shield cap seems big, but if we have max health on live we’re dipping to like 40% hp, topping off and getting a fat shield, take another chunk of damage and usually pushing out another fat shield in the 5 second window. Now it’s smaller damage instances and over that same 5 second window we may only be taking ~40-50% of our total health in damage. If that’s the case, we don’t NEED the same death strike heal or follow up shield.

I do think haste will ratchet up significantly in priority S1 a bit because we really do need RP to keep stuff going now. I don’t see us sitting near RP cap often anymore waiting on a huge shield to drop so we can get DS value.

There are plenty of times on live where I have such a massive blood shield I’m pressing DS to bleed off RP and still not taking damage. Especially in trinket windows.

Now, I play BDK out in Adventure mode. And when I do group content, it’s mostly low level, so the particular nuances of BDK rotation and timing have not been a big issue for me.

However, while out questing, a fundamental aspect of BDK play was, essentially, “the more mobs, the better”. Jump in the middle of the camp, suck them all in, and beat them all down, albeit perhaps a bit slowly.

But at the end, you’re not a bent over, wheezing, weakened husk, you’re standing tall at full health.

Similarly, if you ever found your health low, you knew that grabbing up a stack of trash is the fastest way to heal up.

Since, DS can no longer “over heal”, it sounds to me that this may not work as it has before. I’m curious if this will still be a fundamental gameplay style for the BDK, or am I going to have to start carrying food?

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But you don’t use multiple death strikes in a row.

The exception being death strike to top yourself off, use a defensive, hit with a tank buster, death strike. But in this case your first DS is buffed from 5 seconds of damage and the second is buffed by the tank buster.

Otherwise, you’re hitting buttons between death strikes to make sure you have the resources you need for future damage.

If you don’t use multiple in a row why are they changing it? Just to crap on DKs because that conspiracy theory isn’t old and worn out or anything.

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You double up on DS because sometimes you’re simply taking that much damage? Think a pug built multi-bolstered fortified lieutenant mob clapping you out.

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If you’re simply taking that much damage then your death strike will be bigger and heal you more. Making that second death strike a waste of RP.

Not sure I don’t have a blizzard dev crystal ball :crystal_ball:.

If I had to guess I’d say it could be one or more of these:

They don’t understand the spec.
They plan to design an encounter(s) in such a way that current death strike would break it.
They wanted to add the buff to death strike’s healing but it was either complicated or they felt it would be confusing for new players.
They wanted dk to have a higher skill floor.

But there are lots of examples of blizzard adding things to the game that we don’t use because they don’t have a real use.

You’re either being purposefully obtuse and missing the point or you have no idea what you’re talking about and don’t know how to play a Bdk. I’m not sure how you and others don’t understand the difference between 5 seconds worth of damage versus a damage event and how that fundamentally is different. Although it reinforces why devs don’t listen to class forums, you don’t even understand how the class works.

Maybe with Vampiric up, but otherwise no it’ll never be a waste. Especially with how much RP we’re glutted with.

If it just over heals it’s wasted RP.

We overheal to stop ourselves from over capping on RP.

I’m sorry, when I asserted the double tapping DS initially the assumption was that you full healed off of strike one and then were brought low again right after. Like a Bolstered fortified lieutenant mob’s auto attacks would do.

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Yup, we definitely want to death strike if our health is low.

You won’t cap on RP if your last spell used was death strike. But you’re correct we death strike instead of capping RP.

Luckily this affix is going away.

Better pray we don’t have another high tyrannical DOTI Deios level boss in TWW.

You dont need a crystal ball, they literally gave their design ideas with these changes.

@Piddy: Generally speaking, for more casual content I’d imagine other sources of healing besides Death Strike should be able to help out and keep you up! With the new changes, it will be mathematically impossible for Death Strike to heal you to full if it’s the only source of healing on you. But you have blood plague, leech, Consumption/Blood Drinker, Bonestorm, and potentially other tools like the hero talent stuff.

My concern with the change is for very high m+ keys where damage intake is so high you’ll drop dead faster than the healer can save you if Blood Shield isn’t up. There’s only so many sources of healing that can heal you past 100%, and our mastery doesn’t work with Blood Plague or Leech.

I think the disconnect here is we are playing different content.
I don’t need to use DS in world content, most LFR, or some low m+ keys.
I will double DS in a high m+ key out of necessity, and I intentionally build enough RP to do that.

With this change, it’s like doing push m+ content with the kit the world enjoyers would use, plus tank nurfs.


Really? I’m always topped after a single death strike and outside of healing before a tank buster, hitting a CD and death striking after it I never double death strike.

Do you have an example in your logs of double death striking to stay alive?

I cannot post links. But Warcraftlogs → Beefyman-Emerald Dream → Algathar Academy +13 on June 26 2024.

At 19:15 I begin taking over 800k DPS. I instantly double death strike, do 1 heart strike, and immediately death strike again. That’s actually 3 deathstrikes in 5 seconds, which isn’t a possibility with the new changes.

At 19:42, that pull is still going strong, I’m still taking 800k DPS, and I actually do a triple death strike. And blood shield actually goes on and falls off in 5 seconds, even with triple deathstrike. I watch my blood shield during gameplay, I’m not deathstriking if it’s maxed out, so each one of those deathstrikes replenished blood shield.

Blood shield healed between 350k and 400k per second during that pull. Deathstrike’s HP pool heal, however, only healed between 100k and 125k per second. The numbers are plainly there - you don’t death strike to replenish your HP pool, you do so to build Blood Shield.

Waiting until healing is applied to your HP pool puts you are risk of popping - how long can you live taking 800k DPS with only 2M health? At a +14 that would be 920k DPS, at a +15 that would be 1.05M DPS, at a +16 that would be 1.21M DPS. That whole run I never fell below 54% health. Which of course means, I never got to use Will of the Necropolis. But that only means that I outgear the content, it doesn’t mean I’m playing sub optimally.