Blood DK is a trainwreck!

I seriously doubt that’s gonna be of any concern. Let’s do some rough math.

On my best parse in mythic CN (84, which is really not that high, but wanted to use a personal experience) I was doing 3.2K DPS, Death Strike taking up 26% of that, I was using Superstrain. Let’s assuming I was using Death’s Certainty, that would mean I would have 35% more DPS out of the 26% DPS on Death Strike, which is roughly 9%. However, Virulent Plague plus Frost Fever was roughly 7.5% of my DPS already, so that means I would only get roughly 2% out of it, not to mention I haven’t calculated in the amount of runic power gain from Frost Fever, which means I would be doing less number of death strike if I were using Death certainty.

Conclusion? Death Certainty is not that much better (if at all) than Superstrain in terms of DPS. Quite possibly worse if there are multiple targets.

So no, I don’t think Death Certainty is as good as you think it is, nor does it play any sort of role in terms of BDK balancing.

Its not just DC vs SS.
Its DC+Sanguination vs SS+FC.

Its a significant difference.

All I’m getting from this is that a lot of players don’t know how to play the spec properly, BDK is in a great place right now, is not the best tank but is not the worst.

One of Limit’s members talking about tanks in CN:

The man says BDK IS IN THE TOP 3 TANKS for this raid tier, defensively that is.

Yall just need to either learn the spec OR stop comparing BDK to other tanks, yes we need a dmg buff but Veng dh and Prot pally are broken in that department.

Come up with your math, run a sim and let’s take a look.

And yes I use Sanguination in raid.

So what you are saying is… other tanks are broken OP, therefore don’t fix BDK? What’s your point?

I dont need to run a sim.
I have a complete 220 SS setup, and a compete 220 DC setup.

SS does roughly 1k less in any ST or cleave situation.
The ONLY time it equals or surpasses DC is in large AoE situations.

I said “yes we need a dmg buff”, what’s my point? People want to over buff the spec even tho it doesn’t need it, needs a few tweaks here and there but overall the spec is in a good place.

Oh ok, perhaps that should be your original comment instead of what you said.

Well then, your personal experience is not evidence. If you are not willing to participate further then we have nothing more to discuss unfortunatly.

If you want to make a point, back it up. If you are not willing to back it up, then don’t make a point.


Im pretty sure one 30k Death Strike crit>5 full cycles of SS.


Blood DK top 3 defensive tanks in CN:

Enough said

Bone shield charges should generate passively all the time.


One thing I would really like is for there to be a graphic effect on our health bar that shows how much our next DS will heal, visible to healers, similar to absorb shields. That way inexperienced healers wouldn’t get so stressed about our hp jumping up and down.


Sure if the fight lasts exactly 4 seconds.

I know that video, I watched it. Please go back and re-watch it yourself, when he said their damage is a “bit” lacking. While you are at it maybe ask him why he didn’t bring a BDK to WF.

I think I’ll drop this conversation here. While some of us passionate about the spec pushing for positive changes, it is tiring to have to argue with clowns with nothing but anecdotal evidence commenting on things they have no experiences in. And when asked to back up said evidence all that can be said is “I don’t need to.”

Yes, yes you do need to.


If the fight lasts 4 seconds, SS would only have done like 480 damage thoooo?

He had a whinge about Unholy DK being too good, while Druid has best Mdps/Rdps, has a buff, great self heals, great mobility, great cc, god damn convoke, but nah, nerf Unholy DK, screw this dude.


Because Veng dh brings a magic debuff and Havoc was not in a good place for them, same with Prot war. They had like 3 UH dks so there was not need for an extra AMZ.
Tank damage was not relevant to them and that’s why they were ok bringing a Prot war even though their dmg is also low.


You are talking about the other guy I’m guessing but at least on my end I not only have anecdotal evidence, You, me and a lot of other BDK are the proof that the spec is in a good spot for high end content.
You and many others are not “pushing” for positive changes, yall just whining about the spec, begging, crying, pouting.

It seems to me that dps is way too important for you but the reality is… tank damage is not relevant for most content! :smiley: Unless you are a hardcore M+ player which most of the player base is not!

“Go tank with a veng dh and compare single target damage” no one caaaaaares unless you are pushing for world first or something like that, 95% of raid leaders don’t care, go play dps maybe?

Well what do you want? Sims or experience? They have experience in comparing the 2 builds, but you said personal experience wasnt evidence, but saying they dont have evidence and commenting on things they have no experiences in. Which is it?

Also, just because some things are broken powerful doesnt mean everything should be brought up to that level as well, it means the few things that are broken powerful should be adjusted to where the rest are. If Prot pally is 1500 ahead of Blood, and 1000 dps ahead of the other tanks that arent below blood then Prot needs to be adjusted. If you are going to compare tanks, include all of them. The fact people are picking out 1 spec here and 1 spec there maybe 2 depending on if they are talking about dps, doesnt really paint the whole picture.

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You misunderstood. I could care less if I do no damage. But if another tank spec does 200% of my DPS, then it’s problem. If you tank a raid boss with prot paladin or VDH you’d know how difficult it is to hold aggro when you should be holding aggro. And it’s not a pleasant experience.

If can be a buff to BDK, or nerf to other tanks, I don’t care. Just pointing out it’s a problem.

Please, do point out where the evidence is. I said it’s a problem that another tank is doing 200% of my DPS, and I was told it’s not a problem. I ask for evidence why it’s not a problem, none was given.

Also let’s make this clear. I did say BDK’s damage is a problem, and this is not strictly related to raid neither. If you tank a M+ with a good fire mage you’ll see just how inadequate your aggro is. What I never said is BDK should be buff to broken OP level. Needs some buff for sure, needs some nerf in other places for sure, but I am saying it’s a problem, while others seems to think everything is just fine.