Blood DK is a trainwreck!

Its been given to you and you dismissed it for being “personal experience”.

If BDK damage is a problem then over half of the tanks damage is also a problem but thats not how you are phrasing things at all. The way you are putting it is “BDK damage is a problem and no other tank has this problem let me compare Blood dk to Prot pally as an example” and thats extremely skewed evidence because if you compare other tanks like prot war vs prot pally its even worse than prot pally vs bdk. So the actualy problem is Prot Pally.

And what would need to be nerfed? If some person looking to play bdk read your posts and your posts alone they would get the idea that there is nothing good about dk and is always outclassed by other tanks primarily Prot Pally.

Skewing evidence so that it fits your narrative is not good since it doesnt show the entire picture. Its why people are saying you are just whining to get buffs.

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Comparison without number of log is exactly that, personal experience. I even did some simple math to entertain the argument, but all I got from that was more personal experience. If you have an argument on why that would make a good argument I am all ears.

I already said DPS problem is not confined to raid tanking. I was using that comparison because it’s the most blatant. I am not skewing any evidence, please point out where I am.

Also, I dislike very much how you and some other folks seem to come in and turn the discussion on the topic at hand to name calling and character attack. Whining? Crying? Begging? Please.

I think I am done. If you got more name calling to do please feel free.

So what if its personal experience? You kind of asked for people to have personal experience with the spec but dismissed it when that personal experience didnt fit with what you were saying.

Ive also already explained how you are skewing evidence, by comparing blood dk with Prot Pally almost exclusively.

And yes, a lot of people on the forums are just whining across the board. Im not here to hold your hand and neither is anyone else. You are coming across as whining. You have said you were done several times and yet here you are still complaining about BDKs lack of damage compared to a prot pally.

Someone seen a significant increase in dps in another build, which if you are going the SS legendary you are looking for a dps increase and you just wrote it off based off of some poor napkin math because, from your own words, “to entertain the argument”.

There has been 0 name calling, just pointing out what your actions look like to the people responding. Your posts look like whining and no matter what others say or put forward they are wrong, you are right so Blizzard should listen to you and buff BDK because their damage is weak compared to Prot Pally. That has been your argument.

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He does explain this. VDH and Warrior brought the buff and their dps counterparts were terrible. If havoc and fury was good and unholy was bad, I guarantee they would bring blood. Has nothing to do with blood’s dps because, again, its a tank. Warrior has the worst dps for a tank and was brought to progression. /thread

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This thread makes me want to play a Prot Warrior for some reason. xD

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BDK isn’t going to get a huge buff because it’s already a very viable tanking spec, especially in raids, where its the best tank on a number of bosses due to the reactive healing / AMS / etc. But it’s a reactive tanking spec like it’s always been, and takes more player skill and timing than the other tank specs.

As a very casual raider and someone who has a decent knowledge of DKs, this post is so far from being correct.

Blood feels like it does at the start of almost every xpac. The spec scales extremely well, shadowlands will be exactly like legion. EN/TOV/Nighthold were not fun (By the end of Nighthold with the additional legendaries blood was fantastic). Blood will be a top tank, unless you are competing for world first (spoiler none of you are), the spec is completely fine currently.

This idea that every spec/class has to be OP at all times is crazy. Blood is in a way better position than it was to start legion off. Relax the spec is fine and will only get better with time.

I got KSM as blood and it was not hard at all, im pretty geared tho but honeslty it never felt like I was getting thrashed but you MUST use CD’s especially at the start of a pull but once you get rolling you don’t die. And we actually have amazing kite potential with D&D plus chains of ice but I don’t think people realize that. Even in arena DK is solid its just we are weak in the LFG side of things because while we are strong we are not broken so ppl won’t take us. Why take A tier when you can take free win tier in Ret or War. If you are struggling as Blood in M+ or raid I would suggest looking at talents or how you use CDs.

Just another thing I notice this mythic season as Blood, be more afraid of mob pulls than bosses. Blood Dk are amazing at boss fights as we can out heal most bosses but I think most DK save CDs for bosses when really we need them for the start of a pull. I literally use atleast one Defensive at the start of any pull with 3+ mobs, you just need to learn how to rotate and when to use what. Runic power weapon be op

I love all the people that say “blood isn’t that bad” , are also decked out in full pvp arena gear.

Again - You shouldn’t be forced to PVP to get BiS tanking gear. That’s a terrible design mechanic in this current iteration, and part of why the bulk of the BDK community is saying we’re quite underwhelming. Not everyone wants to PVP and being forced to in order to adequately tank is awful.

If some people like pvp, great. But locking 3/4 of our BiS items behind it is most definitely a problem.

Yet, the gear exists and vers is a good stat right now. You not liking pvp doesn’t change the fact that blood is okay right now

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Yeah, I can completely ignore points of your post too. See!

I said that our BiS gear is 3/4 locked behind pvp. Please. read. Since you can’t I’ll just ignore you and add another piece to my point.

Let’s just Look at top 100 tanks of each class as our metric.

DH - 3105 - 2297 io ( # 1 to 100 )
Pally - 3105 -1874
Bear - 2700 - 1900
Brew - 2630 - 1960
Blood - 2383- 1785
Warr - 2271 - 1625

So, an 800 point difference between Pallies and DH vs Blood and Prot Warriors, totally a utility thing though.

Noone is asking for Blood to be made ungodly. Hell, let’s add a super simple fix that makes DK all about mob control and adds ZERO dps.

Gorefiend and Death grip share a 15s CD.
DnD cooldown reduced by 1s per tick of blood plague (or) per 1 heart strike.

We’re not in a “good” place. If our itemization REQUIRES haste/vers in order to tank adequately, that gear should be available without forcing pvp. If you love to pvp, do it. Enjoy it. Not all of us do though.

But don’t claim the balance is adequate because you feel it is when the numbers themselves show that it really isn’t.


I agree with you, that our BiS gear is coming from the wrong place. Especially with how ignored the spec is relative to PvP.

But that still doesnt change the fact that if you take the time to acquire this BiS gear, Blood performs better than the lower tier tanks, and as well as the top tiers.
We still lack VDH’s debuff, but aside from that…We’re pretty much on par.

i think Blood could use something like Brittle Bones: Marrowstrike applies a 6second debuff that makes the target take 4% extra physical damage.

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Seriously you wanna make OP class even more OP. Blood DK has best self sustain in game period, frost DK has best slow in games history, unholy had always insane damage. And you really wanna buff more any of those k*#^ su*^#%s??

Passive immunity to knock back , anti magic shells makes hunter traps waster of GCD , you can’t escape them . DK may be hard for beginners , but after 2-3 weeks even a beginner becomes a good DK player

DK’s are fine as they are. Chains of ice could have reasonable slow , with nerfed stuns

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Show me the place where a DK touched you.

Lol I was just trying to give advice but if you want to use my gear as an excuse to why you cant accomplish anything, be my guest. Blood isn’t great but it’s defiantly not bad, learn how to rotate cool downs and get you KSM. Now if you are trying to push 20+ keys than yah you might want to reroll DH but they are the only tanks running that

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I don’t have pvp gear, I don’t have much vers and I can tank adequately!

Blood is in a good spot for casuals and semi hardcore players, which most of us are I think. :joy:

Learn the spec maybe?

Again, cherry-picking a portion and placing your personal anecdote onto it with a “git gud” response.

I’ve made my point, you haven’t.


I haven’t said that it is impossible, i’ve pointed to the massive disparity between the classes, in which BDK and Prot Warriors are competing at a disadvantage across the tanking spectrum. The numbers agree with it, as I even posted the IO scores of top 100, which negates “player skill” as a metric by comparing the tippy-top of the classes.

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You, most of the player base and I are not aiming to be in the top 100.

Watch some BDK guides, learn the spec or reroll and complain on a different forum.

And yes, git gud lol

I’m not comparing myself to the top 100. I never said “Im top 100 lul.”

I’m using it as an example to show that if things were properly balanced, one would expect around a 10% deviation from top tier tanks to bottom tier tanks.

VDH and Druids is close-ish at around 12 or 13% off.

VDH and BDK+Prot Warriors are approximately 25%-30% off. This shows an imbalance in the specs, One is significantly more powerful, or one is significantly worse. And again - This comparison is to negate player skill as the top 100 players of each spec in the world are probably comparable in skills, or so one would hope and unless you can present a better metric, it’s what we will use.

This whole thing has been to address that fact, not that we need some crazed buff to turn DK’s into gods.

We’re currently the 1 legged man in the marathon. Sure, you COULD finish and plenty do, but you’re always going to be a leg behind the rest.