Blonde/brown hair for Void elves?

Who stole the model first ? For “Balance “ ?


The model was not playable at that point.


You were maybe not born yet … in Warcraft 2 the Quel’dorei weren Alliance . Even before the night elves .


I’m 40 years old. I was definitely born yet. The Helves left during the RTS games. We are talking about playable elf customization in WoW.


Oh good, another spam thread about the same topic how original. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


I don’t really have a horse in this race, this being the only void elf I’ve ever made, but I honestly kinda hope they add it one day simply because of how many people around here treat those who want a simple, lore abiding option.

It’s honestly kinda disgusting. Makes it feel like rooting for the underdog for me.

Not to mention the glorious victories I got to witness over the years. The backpedaling of arguments that were made by certain, especially hateful people when void elves were launched as well as shadowlands customization options were hilarious.

Some of those people I see in this thread.

I wouldn’t even say mildly, Alliance high elves straight up get way more attention than void elves. It isn’t even close either.


In the dead of night, Alliance players broke into the secret safe that has Horde models tucked away into it and stuffed them into the game before anyone noticed. But the servers went back up in 7.3.5 before Blizzard knew about the crime, and it was too late. Void Elves were added to the game.

“Here’s a little lesson in trickery
This is going down in history!
If you wanna be a faction number one,
You have steal models that they find fun!”


I said something very similar on another of these posts where I said basically that what they wanted was effectively Blood Elves. So yes, same comment, different time.

Yet you don’t see horde players s whining about nightborne making the factions more homogenised.

(They don’t actually give a :poop: about homogenisation :astonished:)

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Note: This is a response from a friend who was banned from posting on the forums for reasons I can’t get into at the moment, but hear him out. I am publishing this for him.

High elves belong to us (Alliance) and they’ve been Alliance from the very beginning. You stole… wah wah wah…

His response, not mine…

what void elves truly need is the new tint of black blood elves got, the dark black pitch black whatever hair color


I’m all for Void Elves having warm colored hair. If Alleria can use the void and still be a blonde, why not any random Void Elf recruited from the Alliance High Elves?


Several playable races have brown/blonde/red/black/white hair colors. It’s not as if a Blood Elf’s blonde hair is what makes them unique among other races; humans, dwarves, Kul Tirans, Undead, Tauren, Night Elves, Nightborne, Orcs, etc all have varying degrees of the aforementioned hair colors.

I’m not understanding those who are opposed to Void Elves receiving some of those hair colors.

Seems like some people are taking “it would be great if Void Elves could have blonde/brown hair color options” as “Void Elves should get Blood Elf brown/blonde hair color options” (not that I understand the issue with this either).

Void Elves could get more natural hair color options that follow the human/Kul Tiran shades.

Regardless though, Blizzard already lets them share eye colors and skin colors, the latter arguably being the most significant form of shared customization.

I would love to see more natural hair colors akin to human hair colors on Void Elves. I’m sure it’ll come in time, just like they gave Void Elves the High Elf customizations with eyes and skin tones :smile:


I would love to see them use other races for new styles and colors, or come up with new ones.

They said anything lore friendly is on the table, and these customization options are lore friendly on two fronts: Alleria is a VE, and theres NPCs “joining” who dont have typical VE aesthetics.

Personally, this is not my favorite option, but it’s the compromise that VE never were. No story or recognition, but at least players will have the options to play their characters the way they want, which is the entire point of these customizations.

By the way… Nice to see you again!


I agree! My favorite artwork was of a Dalaran High Elf that had her hair in a sort of double braid bun or something of the sort, it was a nice mix of elven and human style the artist did imo.

Happy to see you again as well! :slight_smile:

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I’m really stuck on some of the female KT styles myself. The tail and half pony tail are so nice, and elf friendly. I had a list… But some draenei ones are nice as well. Instead of the single braid on the side, twin braids like Dorothy from Wizard of Oz would rock.

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He wasn’t banned. He is an European player and can’t post on the North American forums.


And you still shouldn’t be posting for him. Let him post on the EU forums or Reddit or Twitter. They can’t post here and we can’t post there for a reason.

Bye. :wave:


Because void elves were never asked for

Blizzard was dumb to think generic purple, void corrupted Elves would be a suitable candidate to fill the high elf requests


And what is the reason?

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