Blizz's own words about Hunters

It doesn’t. You get a government mandated bird now.


My sentinal is annoying and feels like a pet. That seems right to me.
No need to be rude.

I don’t want to have to switch to BM to use my pets because I don’t like the play style. I understand what they’re trying to do. I don’t have to like what they’re doing.


Tell me the first three spells of the new rotation you know you hate.

gotta say i love going to the armory, seeing your currently specced as BM and then I look at your specced talents for MM and I also see Lone wolf :no_mouth:

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On phone right now and unable toswitch to main posting toon (Veidmann) at this time

Where was I ‘rude’? I said you are entitled to be wrong. We all are. But gosh, I am very sorry if my words offended you.

You didn’t offend, just saying we can disagree without rudeness.
Imo it’s rude, but you do you.

I can’t switch to any of my alts here lately. And I"m on a computer.

Usually logging out then back in fixes that.


I just post on Snowpine. I’d lose my mind trying to post on a relevant character for every discussion.

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I did that to try and see if I can figure out how to make it fun for me. And if you want to do grouped stuff you have to talent Lone Wolf. Just because I have lone wolf doesn’t change the fact that I have my pet out when I’m out in the world. If I cared what people thought of me based off my armory I’d hide my profile.


I’ll try that, ty.

I only post on his one for fairly similar reasons.

There was a comment on Blood Elves and I wanted to bring my beautiful Blood Elf Pali in for a post. lol

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Sometimes I’ll switch to my Dwarf if there’s a thread about beards.

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I’ve considered posting on my Paladin instead because the name is what I use on all of my socials, but at this point with this many posts… :person_shrugging:


Tovi’s suggestion worked! But yeah, it’s not great switching between alts.
This is Starla


I have. I’m sorry you don’t understand factual data.

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I haven’t been elitist or rude. The fact
You think im bothered by you calling me out.

I haven’t been wrong.

Uneducated people claiming I’m wrong doesn’t actually make me wrong.