Blizz's own words about Hunters

I’m sorry but I know what it feels like to have that owl I have flying around now and it just feels like another pet.

Where have you seen this? Have access to the ptr?

The description on the PTR forums screams spell effect to me.

New Ability: Harrier’s Cry – Your Eagle descends from the skies with a screech, giving the signal to attack. Increases Haste by 30% for all party and raid members for 40 seconds. Allies receiving this effect will become Sated and unable to benefit from Harrier’s Cry or similar effects again for 10 minutes. Learned at level 48.

That’s a spell effect tied to a new ability.


The mental image of this eagle smashing face-first into solid brick caverns trying to alert the hunter about their prey inside dungeons is hilarious to me.


Sentinel: “Your Sentinel watches over the target area for until canceled, applying Hunter’s Mark to all enemies every 0 sec.”
I see this bird.
I’m not sure how you can tell a difference in effect by your quote and mine.


You have yet to present any facts.


If I can’t interact with it what’s the point of it? It may be there all the time but it isn’t any different that the orbs that circled a mage’s head back in legion. It’s Blizzard attempting to appease the players who don’t like the change to MM and it’s isn’t working.

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Qamaits, imo it’s annoying and not a real pet but it’s pet-like enough to make it a pet class. Maybe I’m just pulling at straws. I don’t like the sentinal effect, I just prefer my pet as I tamed them.

Me too, but in order to do that with Undermined I have to play BM. And unless they make some major changes to that spec I’m going to lose interest in hunter real quick because I find the spec boring beyond belief.

Honestly, I’d say it’s the hunter communities own-fault for removing pets from MM. :person_shrugging:

I recall:

  • Hearing debate ages back about removing pets altogether from Marksman AND Survival ages back, when SV hunters asked if they could get exotic beasts — as they fight side-by-side their pets & BM no longer relies on exotics alone as a key-signature to their class (given they have TWO pets + handful of pet summons)
  • The response to the above was the Beast Mastery (only) community arguing neither of the other two specs should even have pets & they should be grateful that they do.

After the constant badgering of how BM should hold all the glory with pets in totality of all aspects & the other two should simply & merely be privileged to so much as even share some of their limelight, I’m not entirely too shocked @ how MM lost pets. lol

I tried it out after many years this week and I just hate it, like I did when I left it.
I’ll just main my mage, which I love.
What do you think that they’re trying to do, make MM a raider only spec?

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Or even a real dark ranger spec for hunters

I don’t know but my warlock is going to see a lot more action in the coming months.

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Goes destruction screams about how the games changed

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wow, I missed all this. sad stuff.
Also never knew why I couldn’t use my exotic pets on my MM and SV hunter. :pouting_cat:

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Thing is, I like destruction. I’m not a fan of what they’re doing to MM.

You are entitled to be wrong.

A pet is something the hunter tames, that goes into their stable, that is used in appropriate situations.

This bird thing is like the little glowy sphere that Mages can choose to have follow them around and shoot things.


You lack any and all understanding of the basics of what they are doing. I know this, so do you. Your a child smashing a plate before tasting a meal because you decided you didn’t like it.

Not a per they can actually control.

It will randomly appear and will have no interaction with player controls

Hoping it doesn’t go terrible on our MM hunters.