Blizz's own words about Hunters

If you call a chamber pot a soup tureen pretty sure your soup is going to taste funny no matter how much you wash it. But it doesn’t change the fact that you are fundamentally wrong. It may look the similar, but I can assure you, it’s not.

Lots of hunters don’t want to kill one mob at a time, half probably don’t know what a freezing trap was originally used for because Blizzard made tanks in dungeon’s so much more beefy and can’t back down from just taking all the aggro now. But if you want to play the same style solo, or have to because of social mobs, that’s why all hunters still have pets.

So, you think that hunters shouldn’t solo with a pet, then maybe we should look at the utility of the skills and MAKE it more of a requirement to actually need to CC. But since that’ll never happen because of the elitist M+ content runners would throw a bigger hissy fit than demanding the rest of play exactly like you, enjoy your chamber pot.


Why wouldn’t I? It’s entertaining watching people who can’t comprehend spec basics showing they don’t know what they are talking about.

Good MM hunters don’t use a pet.


This is the standard calling card of people who don’t understand the spec, or play style. If it was this simple, MM players who wanted pets would either already be playing BM, or switching without all the overwhelmingly negative feedback on the changes.

  • Beast Master - Commands pets in battle, and assists with damage dealing, while the pets do a majority of the work.
  • Marksman w/pet - The hunter is the main source of firepower, and they sacrifice a portion of that power to have a pet assisting them, to distract prey and provide protection.

Did you really think there’d be this much pushback if the solution was simply to switch specs? Try to look a little deeper next time. :roll_eyes:


Elitists force their opinion on others, can’t think of a polite way to have a discussion and just say that others can’t comprehend what they are talking about or say they can’t dumb it down anymore.


I’m sorry you can’t handle facts.

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We’re all sorry someone taught you how to type.


Oh, and since you are apparently so much better than everyone else and no one can comprehend your greatness, please for the love of all things holy, obey your guild name. Say No More. :rofl:


And yet BM will continue to be designed around a maybe pet.

Good MM hunters would be better off as Warlocks or Mages tbqh. Mostly mages.

Ehh hunter defensives are better.

Can you show me where they’ve said MM can use their stable of pets?

With the choice to use our pets. Like we’ve had since Vanilla.

I quit my Warlock because they deleted my Observer. I’ll quit my Hunter too.


Aww can’t refute points so lowering yourself to insults :joy:

I didn’t say I was better than everyone. Just most people.

Also nah I’ll keep posting what I want.


If they ever decide to remove demons from destruction I’m not sure I’d want to keep playing at that point.

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Aww, can’t handle the truth that people are sorry you have the ability to type. It’s a fact, you just choose to accept that someone called you out for being elitist and rude.

Yes, even when you are wrong, you get to keep typing, still doesn’t change the fact that we’re all sorry you can do that.


You’ll have an eagle

A spell effect is not a pet.


It’s basically a pet, imo.
If someone wanted to be a sniper and doesn’t want any pets at all, I just can’t imagine they’d be happy with a bird flying around.


We still haven’t seen what it looks like either.

No it isn’t. It’s basically green fire for hunters. If the player can’t interact with it it’s a spell effect.


Huh, thought we had a murder class already, oh ya, they called it an Assassin Rogue…

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