Blizz's own words about Hunters

You know that is hyperbole gibberish. I look forward to actual testing, and I look forward to FINALLY not needing a pet.

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She did have a pet, his name was Nathanos.


I mean, I agree with all this. I don’t want to lose my pet on my MM hunter. I think this changes sucks dooker. But Blizz can just say the new MM “eagle” is the MM pet, even though it’s not a pet, it’s just spell effect animation.

Not looking forward to the new MM. I like using my pet but I don’t like BM, so I dunno, Blizz may have designed me out of playing hunter going forward.


Lone Wolf was competitive with other level 100 talents in WoD. Focusing Shot was better on many fights. Exotic Munitions was a bit worse, but was entirely passive, so that fit the design at the time.

Lone Wolf was still overwhelmingly picked in WoD. People liked it. It is okay to like pets and also to admit that most MM Hunters prefer petless play, at least in a group context.

Legion it was intentionally overturned, because it was the intended playstyle, and Blizzard openly acknowledged this.

Since then, it’s been roughly a wash for ST, and a significant downgrade in AoE. Prior to Lone Wolf MM was just garbage at AoE generally, so it’s hard to draw a comparison there.

You know that’s nonsense. You can literally test being petless right this very second. Dismiss your pet and try face tanking an elite. It’s not going to end well compared to letting your pet take the damage for you.

You can look forward all you want, but that’s not going to change the basic fact that losing your pet is going to mean taking a huge hit to survivability in solo situations.

ITs funny how people that defend the removal of the pet cant stick with one narrative

They either say the pet was useless, no one needed and no one used or they say it was totally necessary and they needed and now they can “finally be free” LOL

Why? you can literally test no pet gameplay meaning - no pocket tank - right now, go to siren isles nd try out


It’s almost as if they are different people

lol hilarious the way these people talk you’d think that certain abilities and utilities were locked behind having to summon a pet or something

Not an issue at all even during the storm :thinking:

Its almost as if its all bull.


As it stands right now, the pet for MM exists so that it takes you ~5 seconds (2 globals and a 3 second channel) to cast bloodlust as a hunter.

If you don’t have to cast bloodlust, the pet is indeed useless and unnecessary for MM.

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Thats because M+ is the only form of content that exist in this game, anything else doesn’t exist :clown_face:

I knew this was coming when they
pulled KillCommand as a MM option.

In all other forms of content, the pet is useless/irrelevant, and has no reason to exist.

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I like having a pet tank while doing solo content, so it’s very relevant to me.

Yeah, you don’t need it.

most mobs should be dead long before they reach you (especially in the open world at 622).

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Delves are solo content too.

And I was soloing T8s as MM with no pet at 602.

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That’s literally a lie, and in other forms of content pet is very useful/relevant and defintly has a reason to exist.

You dont need to cast bloodlust in m+ either

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And I prefer using a pet. There’s no real excuse for completely removing the option of the pet. All they have to do is solve the friction points for those who don’t want pets and both sides would be happy.

Right, the group leader will just invite a shaman or BM instead of the MM hunter for their bloodlust.

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Yes. According to Blizzards priorities you are 100% right. I know you were being facetious but unfortunately, you are not wrong.

M+ and Raiders are the priority. Like it or not, that’s how it is right now.
Maybe this will change in the future. The fact that Delves now exist shows that Blizz are slowly catering to the Solo/WC crowd. But right now, M+/Raid are the only form of content that counts for balancing.