Blizz's own words about Hunters

There are tons of petless ranged specs. If anything, they’re likely to overtune it to shut up most of the complainers. (That’s what I’d do if I were them anyway.)


And having a pet was an advantage of being a Hunter. MM Hunters are losing that advantage with nothing remotely close to replacing it.


Nope doesn’t bother me, you seem to have issues with spell animations that are pets thought I would give you some more ammo :man_shrugging:

Clearly it wasn’t an advantage for everyone or they wouldn’t be calling it a “large friction point.” And they even gave examples of that friction.

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I feel like all of that is Beast Mastery hunter wording. It definitely could be argued whether or not any of that specifically could apply to Survival or MM hunters.

They gave examples of friction in group content. I was very clearly talking about losing advantages in solo content. Pay attention to what I said or don’t bother replying.

  1. They don’t (and shouldn’t) balance the game around solo content, it’s the definition of casual. That isn’t a pejorative towards casual players, it’s just being realistic about designer priorities.
  2. You have no way of knowing how (dis)advantageous the new version of the spec will be in any form of content based on a blue post. When it’s on the PTR, give your feedback then.

Meanwhile over at Blizzard:

Blizzard clearly wants to support casual play, so it’s something they should be taking into consideration.

There’s nothing on the PTR even remotely close to replacing having a pocket tank.

Also? Blizzard released their feedback thread ahead of the PTR because they wanted to start gathering feedback now.


Can you quote the class balance dev notes from that article? I didn’t see any.

Which brings us right back to “plenty of ranged classes do fine without a pocket tank.”

My feedback is I can’t wait to try it.


If they want casuals to have fun, then they should be balance things with casuals in mind. Not just throw them into the deep end while they balance around M+ and raiding only.

They “do fine” but having a pocket tank is what sets Hunters apart from other classes. Now MM is losing that bit of class fantasy so some people can pretend to be Legolas.

My feedback is that it’s an embarrassment to try taking away our pets a third time after failing twice already.


Then dont mention?

on my spec, that i care about it, when they took away the options i had

When shadow priest could chose a variety of pets, then they get remove to put a spell animation, then your ammo would be useful

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Yeah, didn’t think so.

And they have balanced with solo in mind. Every single spec in this game including healing specs can do solo content.

Imagine, wanting to be Legolas in a fantasy RPG, what are people thinking! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If it’s something they keep coming back to, maybe there’s a reason d’you think?


Not nearly well enough.

That’d be fine, if they weren’t taking away my option to keep having a pet.

And they keep failing. Maybe they should take a hint by now.

And MM was designed to have the pet to do the ide tanking for solo content

Too bad they CANT be like that anymore, since now they will have a stupid bird, and legolas dont have bird.

Reason is the m+ players now

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Man… I hope it can be gyphed to be a parrot that would be awesome.

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Intimidation is no longer tied to a pet being out. The follow-up talent, Territorial Instinct, allows it to be triggered regardless.

After destroying Arcane Mage by putting Missiles on Cooldown, I can’t wait to see how they destroy Hunter….

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Yes, I’m aware MM has to spend talent points to be able to do that petless. And even when you spend that resource, the talent just pulls the pet out anyway. Kinda proves my / their point?

It’s a lot closer than current Hunter. I’d rather have an undying Aspect of Ohn’ara assisting me than oop, need to lust, better get my Darkshore gorilla out because I’ve been Lone Wolf for the past 20 levels and I forgot to get anything else.

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ITs not

I rather to have the option to pick a pet or not and they can just bake bloodlust into the class fixing the issue

It’s really not “full of” pet nodes. As far as I can tell, there are exactly 3, none of which were taken by MM before the patch.

If anything, it’s a buff to MM’s class tree, since now Intimidation is a 1 point node for MM instead of effectively a 2 point node.

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