Blizz's own words about Hunters

Just like people were not forced to use the PET, but whined non stop until blizz made this change?

:clown_face: gO pLaY bM hUntEr :clown_face:


Except you are, unless you want to ignore a big chunk of your kit.

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Its basically a reskinned mage familiar with a few extra things.

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You were not forced, if you did not like pets, Mages are a click away, no pets :sleeping:


I don’t care about seeing them in leader boards, I’m talking about seeing them in game.

Shadow Priests have forced pets also, they get ravens when casting Devouring Plague. In fact tons of other specs have forced pets if that’s your definition.

Not to mention MM has to take either Sentinel with a forced owl or Dark Ranger with a forced plague hounds (unless you want to play sub optimally which you’ve made clear you do not) but I didn’t see you up in arms about those. They didn’t fit your narrative right?

Let’s just stop it with the forced pet nonsense. It’s a spell animation.


For now. They want to make it into more of a true pet in the future.

Man this thread is some next level reaching.

Yes, Blizzards description of Hunter currently reflects its current implementation.
Wow big shocker.

It also says melee or ranged. So were Hunters in fact non-existent during Cata, MoP and WoD?

Are Hunters talented into Lone Wolf not actually Hunters?


Isn’t this a glyph?

I think it’s considerably more disingenuous to call it a spell animation. Your government-mandated bird is permanent, per Blizzard’s own words.

Fact is we don’t know what it’s going to be like in action, but people are well within reason to not like having a permanent bird.


They said they want to give it more flavor. Adding interactions, effects and appearances doesn’t make it a pet in the gamespace.

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It’s right there in the middle “as a true pet and partner”.

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Mages can use bows? Is that a secret PTR only you have access to? :yawning_face:

To get on the leaderboard you have to, you know, play the game.

MM and BM have entirely different playstyles. Why should we be forced to reroll to keep our pets but the people who don’t want pets don’t have to reroll?


Swapping specs isn’t rerolling. I don’t “reroll” every time I feel like healing.


It’s the same concept. If you don’t want to use a pet, then why play a class that has pets? It’s like the people who buy a house next to an airport and then complain about the noise.


I’m not the one complaining? Blizzard’s feedback about “friction in the spec” didn’t come from me, nobody sent me a survey. Get mad at your fellow hunters.


So why are you here telling MM Hunters to change how they play if they don’t want to lose their pets?


Then you should open a thread to discuss about priests if bothers you.

It is forced, especially when i could have dozens of different pets that i tame, to be forced with a dumb bird

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Because I support the change and find it interesting. I like archers/snipers in games. The feedback prompting them to do it still didn’t come from me.


Yeah, too bad they’re only getting that in group content. Solo players get a huge downgrade from losing their pet.