I wonder how many people are gonna come flying back to cry on the forums if blizzard ends up having to back track on it for a third time because Their personal flavor was rejected.
Good luck with your condescension.
It’s Blizzard’s decision whether to cave or not. All I can do is support the patch notes we’ve been given, and clear up a few misconceptions like “the eagle is a forced pet.”
I’ve been saying the same thing for a while, and that at the end what it comes down to is what the normies (The people who just play the game, not the people who read patch notes, play ptr, or come on the forums, all of whom are minority populations) end up doing when it goes live. I can’t say if blizzard will successfully push it this time or not, who knows, I’m just curious if the pro-change people will end up here doing the same thing that the anti’s were if blizzard does end up backtracking (For a third time.)
Just because Blizz ruined SV already doesn’t mean they have to go ruin MM now.
This!! Blizz does this in many areas of the game. They force players into certain content and they pat themselves on the back like “ooh see we made a fun”. Most people don’t play SV unless it’s OP. .
I do think MM is different because people want a pet less ranged spec and the current iteration of MM is a fun spec with an engaging rotation that feels good to press buttons. The problem is without making a new class they have to take from people. And ruin the majority’s spec to give a minority, a large minority albeit, what they’ve been asking for.
They should’ve given us a new class with TWW and put Dark Ranger on it. They can’t seem to get it right for hunters and it’s more of a Sylvanas, the literal dark ranger of wow, type spell that an earthy I’m in the forest with my murder kittieh being all huntery and stuff type spell.
All the people who consider SV “ruined” have moved on already. There are still plenty of SV mains today doing very difficult content.
The irony being that “Dark Ranger” is a hero option for both MM And BM, when Sentinel would have fit better on BM
I’ve still yet to actually see one of these mythical survival hunters. Seen hundreds of MM and BM hunters over hundreds of dungeons this past month, haven’t seen a single Survival MM, which is wild you’d think statistically I’d see at least one, but, nope.
I been main-ing a hunter since the get go, about 18 years now. I played with MM for about one expansion and that’s it. I agree, hunters are a pet-centric class.
Surprisingly the 3 specs are fairly even in m+.
It could the bracket or rng, no telling.
Weird cause it comes up all the time with people saying they hate it. I don’t like a melee hunter, I refused to do the class hall quests for it, but I’d rather have a melee hunter with a pet than a petless hunter spec.
Did you try Google? I see plenty.
raider. io/mythic-plus-spec-rankings/season-tww-1/us/hunter/survival

and clear up a few misconceptions like “the eagle is a forced pet.”
what misconception, it is a forced non-tradional pet, like the blue post stated
“Non-traditional” is doing a lot of work there.
It’s the same dude that randomly talked about life not being fair.

“Non-traditional” is doing a lot of work there.
Doesnt change the fact it is a forced pet, just because you dont control it, doesnt mean its not one.
It’s outside the gamespace, making it different than every other hunter pet in the game’s history. Until the PTR gives us details we can’t say for sure what that will mean.

It’s outside the gamespace
We know its a glorified visual effect, but it is a pet like the blue post mentioned, since it is the pixels you are going to see, you are forced to have you like or not

it is the pixels you are going to see, you are forced to have you like or not
There’s lots of pixels in this game I’d rather not see. I deal with it because I’m an adult.

There’s lots of pixels in this game I’d rather not see. I
The problem they are removed the pixels i had, to force me one i dont want, for dumb reasons.

deal with it because I’m an adult.
big boy in his big boy pants, playing games, oh yeah
You’re not forced to do anything, BM and SV are a click away.