If that were the case, the outrage would be justified.
Those scenarios aren’t even close to what’s happening, though.
If that were the case, the outrage would be justified.
Those scenarios aren’t even close to what’s happening, though.
We’re arguing that we don’t like, that it’s a stupid change, it destroys hunter class fantasy, and there are other ways to fix MM.
You think every decision Blizz has made has been a good one? Yea blizz chooses the direction of their game. And sometimes they get it wrong. A lot of times. This is one of them.
It’s not apples vs oranges vs a freaking watermelon. It’s don’t try to turn an orange into an apple just take the bugs out of the apple. And if players want to play a watermelon don’t come try to play and orange, say oh I wish this orange didn’t have orange in it so change it to a watermelon and expect orange players to not notice thier orange isn’t an orange anymore.
I actually like this idea. Just a ranged weapon class without a pet. Its a great change. BM iks fun but to be an archer or sniper sounds great.
No it is indeed similar. Anyone who enjoys the MM with pet game play has been told this a thousand times. Dont like it? Play something else.
I actually like this idea. Just a ranged weapon class without a pet. Its a great change. BM iks fun but to be an archer or sniper sounds great.
Log in right this second. You can do it RIGHT NOW! You can empty every pet you might have in your stable right now and play a dwarven ranger this very second! It’s not like its something that would be new. Its existed almost 10 years I believe. I cant remember when Lone Wolf was first created.
There is no need to take from those who want a pet for you to have what you want.
Regardless of how you and others feel, MM has been pushing towards no pet for a decade now. This is tuning it so that now, you really don’t have one. There is still an option to play that spec differently or you have the option to play two pet DPS specs if the pets are that important to you.
Straight up erasing entire specs is not even remotely similar no matter how badly you want it to be.
It was created for Legion after they tried to remove pets originally and got massive backlash.
Log in right this second. You can do it RIGHT NOW! You can empty every pet you might have in your stable right now and play a dwarven ranger this very second! It’s not like its something that would be new. Its existed almost 10 years I believe. I cant remember when Lone Wolf was first created.
There is no need to take from those who want a pet for you to have what you want.
Umm. I like the rest of the changes as well that comes with that. You are entitled to your opinion and so I am.
Regardless of how you and others feel, MM has been pushing towards no pet for a decade now. This is tuning it so that now, you really don’t have one. There is still an option to play that spec differently or you have the option to play two pet DPS specs if the pets are that important to you.
Straight up erasing entire specs is not even remotely similar no matter how badly you want it to be.
And no matter how you feel, you are still quite wrong. The pet has been a part of solo game play since day 1. Even group game play. Just because you dont want it, doesnt change that.
And no, parroting “drrrrr go play bm or sv drrrrr” is not the option. Because if we wanted to play that, we would already be doing so. But im sure this will be parroted another 1000 or so times over the weeks because you have no other argument. None. Not at all. Zero,
And taking away a spec or changing it and just say “go play something else” is the exact thing. If they took away feral and told you to play rogue because its essentially the same thing, it would be bad. So I mean , I guess you can swap to a new alt to post things if you want
“If you like playing feral just play bear, its basically the same thing!”
If they took away feral and told you to play rogue because its essentially the same thing, it would be bad. So I mean , I guess you can swap to a new alt to post things if you want
This isn’t even remotely the same.
The pet as little to no interaction with the spec outside of utility and tanking. Its not part of the rotation. There are no real talents for it outside of utility. It auto attacks, holds threat mostly.
Like they said above. Its been slowly getting phased out since legion.
Making an unfair comparison doesn’t do either argument any justice.
And tbh I’d prefer if the pet was gone purely because it merely exists. If it should stay, it needs to be involved in the spec beyond auto attacking and utility.
The eagle was a bad half measure barely anyone is happy with. Im sure we can all agree that pulling from the stable would have been much better.
I can already tell you’re a brick wall of nonsense, but I’ll try again.
Regardless of how some of the player base feels, there’s obviously enough players that are in favor of the change as well. Before you say it, the forums are always going to be more negative than positive, because people rarely flock to talk about something in a positive light.
As for MM, the spec isn’t being deleted. Ignoring the two other pet specs entirely, the biggest difference now is that you won’t be able to have a pet face tank and run next to you. That’s it. The majority of your kit will be the same/improved. I get the sentimental attachment for some that they have for their pets, but having a spec play largely the same is not the same thing as completely erasing an entire spec from the game and forcing someone to play an entirely different class. The option to play any of the three DPS specs remains, whether you like the changes or not.
It’s nonsensical to say they’re the same thing.
There are so many fantasy archetypes missing from the game that could be fun.
A throw-weapon focused rogue would be fun, especially if set up as some kind of support-bard type spec.
A ranged warrior spec would also be fun, set them up as a back-row general type who buffs the attacks of others, debuffs enemies and does ranged damage.
Support roles have been sorely neglected in this game.
As for MM, the spec isn’t being deleted
For me, it is. It’s having a pet shoved into it that I don’t want.
For others, it’s having a pet that they have connection to being taken away, while making them use a pet they don’t care about.
And you’re welcome to feel that way and not enjoy the changes.
Comparing that to “We’ve completely removed Feral from the game” is a false equivalence though
Removing pet utility is removing a very important part of the spec for me. The problem is that the people who largely agree with this change primarily do group content, so they’re not losing out on anything. So of course they’re going to view it positively. Meanwhile, those of us who still use our pets, are actually having the spec pulled out from under us, because there is no incoming replacement for having a pet tank for you.
I think the fundamental problem is the Pro no pet players are also assuming that the mass player base wants it, despite this having been attempted, and failed, before having to be reverted because the playerbase revolted once it actually went through, and all the people who don’t read patchnotes or play the PTR found out about it. While I don’t agree with the false equivalence and think people are being a little over dramatic, both sides have a bad habit of claiming their side is the popular one, when every time blizzards tried to trim pets out of MM its backfired, will it this time? no clue, we’ll see what happens when it gets pushed to live.
Why are the Hunter players on the forums making such a big fuss over the MM changes?
All Hunters will be fine with the new changes to MM. There are many classes that don’t have pets and can solo world content.
Sure, it’ll take more effort to play as you just can’t stand back and pew pew away anymore and will have to actually use some brainpower to successfully finish your objective. Other classes have been doing it for years and they’re okay. Learn to adjust.
If you choose to play MM, you’re not losing your pets. Your pets are still in the stable, you just won’t be able to summon them.
I feel like a lot of the hunters on here play BM as it is the easier spec so the changes won’t affect them.
Why are the Hunter players on the forums making such a big fuss over the MM changes?
I believe the fundamental issue lies in that, the people who do run MM with their pet, don’t care about being optimal, and they don’t enjoy the playstyle of Survival or BM, so they’re mad that they’re basically being told to “Get bent, go play something else if you want pets”, instead of the utility being baked into the spec and allowing players to take a sub-optimal talent for people who want to keep their pet, instead of chasing the meta for pushing content, couple this with the fact BM is getting one of its requested changes (Dropping a pet for a solo pet, which is a DPM loss but everyones okay with that) and that the MM is still getting a “Quasi” pet with the hawk (which a lot of people have issues with).
They don’t care if Blizzard chases the meta for a tiny fraction of the player base, they care that they’re being told “Sucks to suck, go play something else if your not happy” when in reality, they’ll probably just unsub and make their vitriol known to blizzard. Will it be enough to force the changes back again for the third time? No clue, we’ll find out.
Over the years, all players playing all classes have been told to “suck it up” with class re-works. Some are good some are bad. Everyone have been adjusting for the last 20 years. This is one of the few times Hunters will have to adjust.