Blizz's own words about Hunters

Why would you require someone to switch the spec they want to play in order to tackle content? All content should be available to all specs and you shouldn’t have to min/max in order to do it unless you’re doing high rated PvP or mythic raids. Forcing people to swap is a quick way to make people not want to engage, which loses players.

They did something similar to this in Shadowlands, where they forced people into Covenants they didn’t want to be in in order for their spec to run optimally. Guess what - it lost players.

Imagine justifying otherwise. Lol.


I already do just that on multiple classes. Idk what to tell you. If you don’t like it you’re free to not do it.

There are plenty of things in game that are better done by certain specs. I’ve swapped to BM for certain things since vanilla.

It’s also entirely possible those elites will be killable as MM without the pet once the change is done. It’s all speculation.

You are totally wrong here. On easy PvE World encounters, Solo MM without Pet is doable. On HARD PvE World encounters like Soloing Rares while undergeared or Pulling more than 5 elites, you would struggle.

With Pet, even as MM, I am UNKILLABLE on World PvE. If I find a Rare Boss, group of elites too hard for me, I would just run and escape while my enemies are all distracted from my Pet.

I like the current setup right now. While I am PvE World, I could use my Pet. When I go to Dungeons or Raid, I get rid of my Pet unless the group needs my Pet’s Primal Rage (Lust).

Switching to BM if I want to have a Pet is a No-No. BM has differing stats and they are more used for Single Target DPS. On AoE, they suck… although they improved recently but still I want more decent MM’s AoE and I would need a Pet for distraction while I melt everything with my AoE.


I responded to a post about elites and rares, but Oniana thinks we’re talking about crabs or something. But I wasn’t talking to them, so I don’t know why they’re responding to me.

I love being able to easily solo a quest that suggests 3-5 people.

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Keep saying my name bb :kissing_heart:

Again, why are you trying to justify and force people to play the way you play? Some people - especially me - only play one spec per character. That’s the way I want to play the game. I don’t care if it isn’t optimal; it’s one of the primary ways that I engage and connect with my character. I’m sorry, my Survival Hunter character is not a Marksmanship Hunter character and never will be.

Forcing me to change would quickly make me not want to play the game.


I’m not forcing anyone to do anything. I offered a suggestion that works for me.

Don’t play the game then?



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I think they are changing this due to the likely addition of the Tinker class. The Tinker will likely have a ranged spec that might utilize pets in a way

In case anyone’s wondering, I’m not directly responding to Oniana because that greatly offends them for some reason. They’re also offended by me using the pronoun “you” so that limits conversation quite a bit.

That is quite the copium.

Not even sure why they’d need to make this change to add that spec, if true.

Tinkerer is not a likely addition, thats just wishful thinking by certain people. We have no idea what new class will be added under midnight (it certainly wont come as a midexpansion thing), and chances are there WONT be since it would compete with the defining feature of Midnight, housing.

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I can see it going either way. I don’t personally find the tinker class very compelling. There do seem to be a lot of forum posters trying to will it into the game though.

The one poll to even bring it up was in german, and had like, 20 other classes, and the tinkerer debates are relatively small potatos to the wars going on over Necromancer for instance, also they are insistent that its going to be a mech class because of Mekkatorque and the goblin leader getting one each (Even though you could easily make the argument they get those because they’re racial leaders, and all hero characters get unique things players don’t.)

Yeah now go read the Marksmanahip specialization description where it delibrately keeps animals OUT of the picture but I guess THATS too convenient for you fools. This topic is getting old and at this point I am tired of reiterating that Blizzard chooses where the classes go, so if Blizzard says MM fights without pets, aa they have neen for 10+ years then your description from Classic and every other iteration of the game is irrelevant. You’re trying to argue with oranges when they have a watermelon and you’re acting like its an apple.


Survival is not losing a pet, only Marksmanship is losing a pet, and thats only slightly as it keeps its limited usage, which, lets not kid ourselves about this, Marksmanship hunters have never used a pet except for VERY limited scenarios and in old WoW where it’s not even the same game anymore. Every class has had a significant change to their core elements to fit an archetype and double down on their fantasy. MM does not need a ground pet that you can command, it barely needs the eagle but it’s a suitable replacement between losing ALL pets or having some pets


I was arguing my reason for not wanting to play 2 specs on one character, not the difference between Survival Hunter and Marksmanship Hunter. I would have the same loss of interest if I were forced to swap to Blood on this character in order to do some content.


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Nah. Losing the pocket tank utility is a massive downgrade for solo players. This change only benefits group content, while Blizzard themselves have been touting how soloable the game can be.


Use mine all the time. Solo content or group content. Especially delves and outside world content, but I use mine when I do raid/dungeon.

Remove boomkins. Go play a mage
Remove feral. Go play a rogue
Or just play guardian or healer if you dont like it. IF those were in the notes, same outrage would be given, I do believe.