Blizz's own words about Hunters

Maybe, like I said. They tried this exact thing back in Legion, full removal of pets from MM, and it caused a massive blowback and blizzard had to roll it back. I can find the blue post if you’d like?


Well, maybe they weren’t ready back then due to resource constraints or future planning.

I’m sure they’re set this time and it’s going to happen. Learn to adjust like all other classes.

Remember when hunters use to have mana? That was changed to focus and the hunter population survived. I am confident they’ll be fine this time too.


And i told you there are more of the game than 10 packs of crabs

:clown_face: gO pLaY bM hUntEr :clown_face:

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I think the fundamental difference is divisiveness. I don’t recall any outcry when they removed mana, or ammo requirements, or having to feed your pets or they’d run away. The community generally seemed to like those changes, and even survival for as divisive as it was, didn’t cause a big drop in Survival population.

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Like I said, some reworks can be considered good and others can be bad. Just need to adapt like everything else. Hunters will be fine.

With that said, I’m sure there are many hunters that are embracing the no pet MM play style . I am one of them.

So, let everyone enjoy!

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And like I said, we’ll see what happens when its actually pushed to live, and all the people who don’t read patch notes or look at PTR see whats going on, maybe it’ll work this time, maybe it wont. I just wish people would stop speaking for the majority of the player base when no one really knows what they want until something goes live.

personally, I am against MM losing pets, but I main BM on my hunters so at the end of the day its not a huge loss to me and I’m getting what I want (solo pets). But I can understand where a lot of players are coming from on both sides of the argument.



I’ll be seeing you around!

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Oh the irony…

Let everyone enjoy, except those who enjoyed having the pet as part of their game play/fantasy.


You have BM bro. Stop being stingy.


Nothing stingy about it. And F BM. I hate the spec and tired of explaining that.


I’m starting to think there are a lot of bad MM Hunters. The spec was all about you doing the damage and your pet when you had it out was useless back in the day. I knew a lot of MM back then, and they were amazing with all their stuns and traps. And they did more damage and had longer range than a BM. Or that’s how they used to be. They were tactical.


You have12 other classes to play. Go play one of them if you don’t like pets. Pressure blizz to give us a real ranger class instead of settiling for this ghetto version of it.


You’ll be fine in LFR

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You’re a BM so the changes don’t affect you. Your BM parses in heroic Nerubar Palaces ain’t so hit either.

You have ZERO parses as MM. But yet you’re here….spoil dramatic Hunter player.

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Who’s gonna tell him we can play more than one spec???


You have zero parses as MM in nerubar palace. All your BM parses are below average too. Don’t be mean.


Caught red handed.

Because BM is the best spec for that raid. I play MM in M+. I’ve played Hunter since Cata and started as MM. It’s the spec that made me fall in love with the hunter class. And my hunter spawned with a pet. Had a pet from day one.

Regardless I don’t have to justify anything to you. I want to keep the integrity of the hunter class fantasy as it stands now. This change will gut that. And I don’t like it. The only person who got “caught red handed” is you showing you know nothing about the hunter class.

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lol. Hahah. Sure bro….

Fool me once….shame on me…

You can’t fool anyone twice.

Stop being mean and go enjoy BM.

I’ve already said….every other class have had to adapt with class rework. Hunters will be okay with this change.

Having opinions isn’t mean and you don’t get to tell me I can’t have them. So take your own advice and go troll somewhere else.

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So now you’re playing victim? Haha

You told me:

“You have12 other classes to play. Go play one of them if you don’t like pets. Pressure blizz to give us a real ranger class instead of settiling for this ghetto version of it.”

It’s a shame how fast people forget what they start when they’re in the wrong. Don’t to turn this on me.