Blizz's own words about Hunters

Damn counldnt continue to read. Just got the 1st sentence done and lost in outrage asking something i answered further down in the post.

Why? its just gibberish trying to say you are right and others are wrong

The game is meant to be fair, saying it should not just because real life isnt, its moronic.

On the CLASS tree, not MM’s spec tree. You know, the part of the tree that’s shared with 2 pet based specs.

Oh, look at that cute little pet talent giving attack speed which also doubles when you don’t have a pet out.

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I don’t see it.

“Life isn’t fair” because fair isn’t sustainable or possible, not because it’s wrong. We strive for fairness in almost everything we do as human beings, but fair is hard to achieve. If two cars stop so close to one another at a 4-way stop, what is the fair way to determine right of way? It’s to find out which one stopped first, but it’s impossible post mortem, or at best implausible.

Moreover, fair or not has nothing to do with this change, regardless of what anyone has said on the matter. Fair doesn’t come into play for the removal or retention of pets as they are now.

I’m struggling to even tell you why because I don’t even know where someone would get the idea of fairness out of it. If two ideas are diametrically opposed, you can’t necessarily pull a Solomon and split the kid in half.

That lesson (a fake story, to be clear) isn’t that life isn’t fair. It’s that fairness doesn’t always apply to you.

Youre way to hyper focussed and upset that you didnt get what you want, to have a conversation. Burdened by unfairness so bad that he must get what he wants at all times for it to be fair.

Correct me if im wrong, but this WoW obsession leads me to believe youre very young and havnt had to live yet. Or youre still taken care of and havnt experienced real life to understand this concept yet.

Have a nice day. I didnt get my invincible mount in 100 drops. WoW isnt fair becaue my friend got it in 3 drops.

You are the one making posts about fairness in life and in a videogame mate, might consider taking a breath and understanding it is a game, its mean to be unrealistic

Would you look at that. Fairness is hard to achieve. Its like ive been saying that over and over again, because these people equate fairness to getting what they want in the patch notes. Youre getting an eagle, its so unfair because they dont want an eagle. Cry me a river.

It is a game that exists in real life. So both are inherently flawed and will never be fair in regards to what you see as fair. Your definition of fair right now is “blizz is giving me an eagle and i dont want an eagle”.

Right. Good luck, dude, a dead end argument will serve you well here, and you’ll make everyone finally stop!

I love how people on the internet paraphrase what they want to make themselves look superior. Only quoted “cry me river” to drop your argument because you came in here arguing my point with me and feel stupid.

This post is not even about fairness. Fairness is objective. These are all subjective opinions about an eagle pet for hunters. Its clear some love it and others hate it. But some people are so wrapped up in their hatred they think this is blizzard punishing them for some reason.

All this talk about removing pets from mm comes from m+ devs and m+ players(they think rulers of the game atm), but don’t know how to do nothing with the pet unless leaving it automatic on assist and they want to impose what they want on other players.
After 19 years of playing this game I’m really thinking about stopping. I’ve seen too many expansions ruin the class I like to play in. And the game as a whole in many aspects.
Who knows, maybe a mass boycott will change their minds.
Unite Hunters! WE ARE A BIG COMMUNITY! and we are much more than just m+ players


I’ll edit it to quote the whole post if it’ll make you feel better. My response makes the same contextual sense with it.

It still doesnt change that you came in here trying to argue with me when you agreed to my points on fairness across multiple replies lmao.

Read, process information, think, then speak. Its a relatively easy process.

You know it is a bad argument, why you keep using?

No, blizz is robbing me, of my choice, of having a pet and not having one, and forcing me a eagle that i dont.

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I certainly don’t, you just don’t understand what I told you. Like, remotely.

This is evidence enough of that;

You would think it is, yet you’re here wading around in the same muck as everyone else.

Wtf are you even talking about. Time to move on from another unlogical internet andie

I added an image link to make it easier for you to understand. Beyond that, I’m not going to try.

Again until you can understand that fairness is objective and not a matter of you getting what you want, which requires this thing called growing up, its pointless to continue with you.

Growing up also involves self-awareness.

You invoked ‘fairness’ in the discussion.

oh really - please explain how I AoE kill 10 of those crabs as MM near the starting zone on Isle of Dorn without a pet.

Maybe there is a better way than just misdirect to pet - hit barrage - volley and rapid fire/aimed shot.