Blizz's own words about Hunters

im sure all of the hunters who afk in dornogal/stormwind/orgrimmar all day long in trade chat are very upset

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I don’t know why all the classes can’t have four specs, you could easily make a lightning spec for mages (Standing in for "Wind), hunters could get their “I wanna be sylvanas” spec, DK’s could get a proper necromancer spec, warriors could get a sword&Board DPS, so on and so on. Not sure what they’d do with DH since they only have two but I’m sure someone more creative than me could figure it out.


I know you’ve already been raked over the coals for this lol, but indeed having a pet is a clutch tool for hunters kiting in solo content.

Yeah maybe in M+ or PvP, they’re better off without one.

Many mobs you just can’t kite infinitely (immune), or simply by having a pet would help a ton.


Then what are Irish Deerhounds?

Incorrect, you seem to be editing the screenshot for some reason. Either way, the only reason I click open on your posts is to report them.

Didn’t they clearly state that the spec would have an eagle, which is a pet…

400# red deer are more akin to American elk and not the “Deer,” people would take it to mean in North America. So you are both right and both wrong. :nerd_face: :face_with_monocle:

Ah another disengenuous poster…
Just because you disagree, doesn’t mean it’s valid to report people (well I mean you can but it just adds to the bad faith thing). This isn’t your personal echo chamber.
And why would I go through the effort to photoshop something? Especially someone who immediately discredits someone else because it contradicts what you said lol.

And if you are really want to know. That site is always updating.
So the info isn’t 100% accurate. And the amount it measures is so tiny its not even worth using to claim how many people use a thing. Bad source is bad.

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It’s a bit of words play, but it shall not be a “pet”, just a spell effect or whatever, and it’s an eagle only anyway.

If one really wanted to make the argument that they were making then… here’s an interesting question: if 49/50 means that there’s some significant number of hunters choosing to not use Lone Wolf in M+, then what is one to make of the 1/50 Chimera Shot user? If the 50th out of 50 LW users is significant, then that’d imply that the sole Chimera Shot user is just as relevant.

Of course that’s not how statistics work, nor how a site like this is supposed to be used. Heck Murlok’s primary use is that of a PvP source and for that it works quite well since it showcases what people weigh against each other. The site is basically all about weighing the Grey and Purple options against each others, not the 50/50 (or in this case 49/50) options.

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You’d figure you would also want info that shows a better range of usage instead the top 50. Measuring 50 against 7 mil doesn’t give you any kind of useful statistic whatsoever.

But I guess it doesn’t matter because they are only looking for info that supports their claim, not fair statistics to begin with.


Then you’re not reading, and you’re what they claim I am - being disingenuous (Which you both have proven to be) and not read any of my posts. Another gains the same treatment as them.

Ya’ll want to claim ‘majority use it’ with no data to support it over supposed ‘7 mil players’ (Also unsupported/unverified claim of numbers since neither of you want to source anything. The person said NO ONE DOESN’T USE LONE WOLF and I disproved it.)

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If you have one person out of 100 people doing something, you can say “one in 100 people does X.” Lingustically speaking though, we just say “no one is doing X.” Of course, context matters.

The issue here is that we don’t have hard data to support any claims, so we have to go with deductive data to support our claims… and all of that points towards no one even want to use pets as MM as a default.

So no, you are still disingenuous because everyone in PvE settings use Lone Wolf as MM. But since you need it spelled out for ya’, I am saying that linguistically rather than the literal definition you seem to be after.

Oh and by the way, what I have been saying on this topic doesn’t actually require a source … because it has been a well established fact of the matter for 10-ish years.

But since you wanted one, I did a 2 minute search and here you go, straight from 2016:

My point is that folks have since Warlords of Draenor always talked about MM like this. A specialization where you can get rid of the pet and it simply just works with no downsides. But sure, it is mentioned as an option to keep the pet, not as a default, which since Warlords of Draenor has ever been the highest way folks treat MM pets.

And this was back in 2016. For a more recent way folks talk about MM and pets, just have a look at Wowhead:

That’s listed as a negative. The default is that you don’t play with a pet at all.

Removing something which people at best view as an optional thing to not pick, and replacing it with something which is meant to work better with the specializations’ identity … that is what the entire thing is about.

Forum contrarians or not, that’s why this change is happening. MM hunters doesn’t want to use pets. Simple as that, if this wasn’t the case the number of people opting to play without Lone Wolf would be significantly higher including in the screenshot you provided.

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https:// activeplayer. io/world-of-warcraft/

I have to space em out due to not being “high enough trust” to post links, but, Active Players (30D) 9,191,215

https:/ /www. reddit .com/r/wow/comments/1bm8gky/wow_has_over_7_million_active_players/#lightbox (If i’m reading the image right its a stockholder meeting image, showing over 7million active players)

a hard metric is much harder to get since I dont think blizz themselves regularly publish player metrics.

They dont need to make a new class, they can just make a 4th spec. A ranger spec. 100% petless.
That way they dont have to remove class content, instead they can add class content.

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Google: The Ultimate Guide to Deer Hunting Dog Breeds for 2024

Online players: 0

“Some of these game tracker are just estimated data and should not be used as factual reference.”
Has no sources

and again, that one is just someone taking a powerpoint with no real data and running with it. There’s no chance retail has 9m, and again it doesn’t seem to be able to split, parse, or even say where the data comes from in logging.

I guess maybe I always viewed it as something more abstract than an ordinary physical eagle based on how they described it. But time will tell.

And yes, I agree with you, some form of customization would be ideal. Or if it can’t be race-specific right away, at least make it obviously spectral / spiritual.

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everyone keeps saying its mm without pets, but its mm with forced bird pet that doesnt function like a typical pet but is still very much a pet

Wow, I didn’t realize those class descriptions would straight up lie. Pretty sure there isn’t a single talent that improves the damage of traps.