Blizz's own words about Hunters

Remember the pet Sylvanas ran around with?

Go solo farm a pack of Meaderbees as MM without a pet.

Or any area full of elites.

Or any of the bigger silver elites.

Or T11 Delves to a lesser extent.

Let me know how they go - all will be a much worse to impossible situation with these changes.

Also there is absolutely no need to get rid of pets anyway - they could make all the changes, leave basic pets with bite, claw, growl and dash, and leave 5% damage debuff for summoning them - it would be completely identical for people who dont want pets but allow people who do to still access themw ithout any balance issues.


Warlock has pets for all specs
So yes, we can have one pet class.

also, that’s literally what BM has been for YEARS now. Hell, they even moved Murder of Crows to be a specific (and passive) BM talent. So tell me, HOW is BM not the very specifically made pet spec for hunters? I mean ever since the start it was the only spec that could tame EXOTIC beasts.
Let MM be what it SHOULD have been. You want pets? BM is there. Survival is there. Warlock is there. Even Unholy DK is there.
let the sniper spec be a sniper spec.
Nothing is being “gutted”.

GOOD, that’s how it should have been since the start
now stop crying.

Maybe you should stop screaming at people.

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After a lot of thought on it. I don’t think I can either. The majority of my hunters and I have one of every race, are MM and I have always used a single pet with them. I have never taken lone wolf because I don’t run content that requires it. BM is not an option the specs are completely different. I really think they have finally done something that makes it where I just don’t want to play anymore.


I’m emphasising.

Caps are screaming and then you’re really rude. So try to be kinder.


i would be team gus.

Sylvanas is a dark ranger not a hunter. A dark ranger class would be awesome. Blizz should give us one.


I think thats what Hero Talents are. The trial grounds for spec reworks. This Marksman rework looks like the Sentinel hero tree.

Presumably they’ll add new specs going forward. I.e. a 4th spec for hunters.

You know this last part didn’t exist until fairly recently, right? It’s blizzards game, they can change classes and specs as they see fit.

It’s ok, I get not doing the best, Im currently recovering from hip replacement surgery and my own patience and ability to cope aren’t the best right now. I need to get out of bed and move around a bit now and then and checking out the forum is a way to take my mind off my woes. If nothing else, it teaches me to try not to be careless with what I say. One reason I’m up and typing here at 3am local time… :sunglasses:


They don’t need too

Hey a friend of mine had his hip replaced and he did not go out for the walks he was supposed to, please, for the love of the cookie I am holding, make sure you go out to walk as much as possible and don’t end up like my friend did.

Hunters can kite dragons to Org, I think they could care less about improving that aspect.

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Even i’m done with Hunters crying right now. Blizard should just make a Dark Ranger class .
I quit crying about hunters along time ago because Blizzard keeps nerfing them all the time. No point playing a class that’s useless.

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I have a specific timetable to keep to and for me the first priority is to be very careful. The first 6 weeks are the most dangerous time when the majority of dislocations occur. So am moving around the house using my special walker regularly, doing the exercises I have been instructed to do and I see the Hospital clinic again in a few weeks who will tell me what I need to do from that point on.

Its a balance between keeping moving and strengthening the muscles and not overtaxing myself (I’m not a young woman and I live alone so I need to be extra careful). But I appreciate your input and trust me, I will do what I need to do to get mobile (and pain free) again. :sunglasses:


All opinions aside I hope for a safe procedure and speedy recovery!

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Life moves on, I look forward to testing the new version of Marks. I am elated that some archery is finally up in this class.

For 20 years MM had pets. Only the last 10 years did Lone Wolf exist as a TALENT, not the whole class. They are hijacking MM to make rangers that they are too cheap or lazy to make as a separate class or spec. Many of us who play MM do not want to give up being able to summon our pets just to appease a few raiders or Sylvanas fanboys. Make ranger its own spec or class. If druids can have 4 specs, so can hunters. I would prefer ranger be a whole separate class to distance it from a traditional pet class as rangers are not real hunters.