Alot of ignorant people in this world have been given a pass for waaaay to long. Its time to stop holding their hands and telling them theyre special. The OP has made a choice to engage in the behavior. They have an option to stop that behavior. They insist on pressing the on button knowing whats gonna happen and then comes to a public forum to cry about it. Yes…some of us are rude and tired of being nice.
Blunt truth is often mistaken as being rude. Not every answer needs to be given at a kumbaya campfire with smores and hugs. People are complaining about a personal choice they have full control over, and should be told up front that they have the power to end it.
Found a solution right here!
As an alliance player it is my duty to make sure horde players don’t have a free ride. Turn off WM if you don’t want the pvp treatment.
I don’t even understand why you would want War Mode on in the Maw to begin with. Unless you suck bad and keep dying to mobs you’ll still gain Stygia several magnitudes faster than you gain Venari rep. By the time you hit Appreciative you’ll have enough Stygia to buy every item from her 3 times over.
Here’s a good analogy for people who make these kinds of complaints.
You’re locked in a room. Inside the room there is a table with two buttons and a chair. There is nothing else in room.
You are strapped into the chair. The chair is set up to electrify you whenever the right button is pressed. The left button sets you free. Both buttons are labelled as so.
You keep choosing the right button and receive an electric shock. However, you complain that it shocks you and continue to push the right button. Nothing is stopping you from pushing the left button.
Yes that’s a solution in one aspect, but doesn’t solve the whole entire problem. As I have said multiple times it’s a bad map decision where they let the safe zone ends. You didn’t have this problem in Legion nor BFA. They screwed up in Shadowlands without thinking placing a safe zone to Oribos’s portal.
Yes we know people should use hearthstone, but that still won’t solve anything. Developers just neeeds to expand the safe zone to at least Oribos’s portal. Already made a thread about and it’s a very simple fix.
my god your life must be boring as hell
Turn off warmode. Problem solved.
Oops forgot to mention yet another complaint from a player on a former PvE server. You managed to play the game for YEARS probably without wPvP, now turning it off is a problem.
Leaving the maw is not a progression issue. That is an issue of itself entirely, and should be resolved. However, there are people just complaining about the alliance ganking outside the safe spot in general, and expanding the safe zone will literally be goal pushing for the people complaining.
As soon as they make the change (presumably), the same people will still be complaining that the alliance are choosing to gank right outside the safe zone.
Escaping the maw happens to be part of the issue, but not the entire problem. What players are having a tough time to say is that they need another route to go. Expanding the safe zone will solve that problem for players because portal won’t be a problem anymore and there will be two routes to take. Those two route ventures out into the Maw and one of the side will be crowded with players while the other probably won’t.
That does reduce some stress, but when players decide to venture out of the safe zone. They gotta take a chance which route will be easier to escape the incoming faction, but overall won’t be no different from war mode expansions before.
Overall Blizzard just messed up with this safe zone design that’s all.
I’ve already ceded the escape point to you and don’t have intentions of discussing it further.
OP never mentioned being able to leave the maw safely, only that the issue lies with progressing within the maw itself. If he wants to come in and clarify that the issue is they can’t safely leave the maw without using their hearth, thats fine.
Otherwise I stand by my position that this a personal issue to use a system they don’t enjoy and refuse to turn it off due to purely being stubborn.
Purely complaining about a game system just to complain and then threatening to cancel your paid subscription is hardly an argument worth defending. Furthermore to “@devs” in some feign attempt to get someone important to see your complaint just screams that you want attention.
Everyone who does this says “I’ve played x years” and tries to connect to the community to gain their sympathy. This is an attempt to rile up like minded people and cause a scene.
You want to provide make a complaint? Make strong points, and provide possible solutions. And even if you don’t have a solution, just say you don’t know a way to fix it. We’re players, not developers, its not our job to fix the game. But the moment you start saying you’re quitting because of a minor design flaw that can easily be avoided, you lose the argument.
You only said what you wanted to point out. I just gave a suggestion that would solve majority of the problem without turning off war mode. That’s the difference.
Overall it’s a bad map design Blizzard did. You can’t defend them on that.
I gave a direct reply to the issue that OP gave. I try not to expand someones argument and not assume it encompasses something more than what is in their posts. And as I said, I ceded the escape issue to you.
If only there were some button you could press to instantly make all your problems with this just go away…
Its true, this is probably the first time I’ve ever been on this side of the equation
Have you tried turning warmode off?
Ganking will happen regardless. Players just want a bit more breathing room before venturing out. At least having the portal as a safe zone relieves that to an extent instead of staying at Ve’nari’s camp. As I said before this is a fail on Blizzard’s part. It wasn’t like this in previous war mode expansions or else you would’ve seen my post then.
OP got me with the title but his thread is irrelevant to the real issue. The Maw and Venaris (or w/e) is just another gated, trivial reputation/ material grind and it feels terrible because frankly I just want to log in and raid.
Do you not understand what ceding a point means? Genuinely asking.
Also there was an issue with this in BFA in Nazjatar where Alliance would make massive raids and attack the horde camp.