Blizzerd GET RID OF SELF HEALING. Give healers a reason to play

speak for yourself. that’s not true at all.

most healers i know have builds where they implement more dps into their play, because it’s more interesting.

also, i was listening to a streamer yesterday that pointed out that even in final fantasy, their healers do lots of dps in their dungeons too? that’s two big games as examples of how healers enjoy playing. being able to use more of your kit is something all players want imo.

classic wow is that way :point_left:

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they literally only do that because they are bored. get rid of the boring and then they’ll enjoy healing because they literally rolled healers for a reason.

also, classic had 13 million players, retail cant top 1 million right now. so you’re the minority here, not me.

bored? i don’t think so

classic wow is completely fine, but if you want less busy gameplay, healing in classic wow is less complex and way slower i’d say. you def don’t ever have to worry about using too much of your kit. it

that’s not what retail players want at all judging by how everyone’s actually playing.

if blizzard added hula hoops in all mythic+ then all the players would take mobile specs and jump through hoops, so that doesnt really matter. The majority of healers want to have a more active healing role and be less bored. sorry you dps and tanks are too selfish, but us healers didnt expect anything else from you so no worries.

weird comparison with the hoola hoops but okay…ofc there’s going to be a meta, if that’s what you’re talking about…

anyway, there will probably be a much more traditional healer role in DF S1 compared to shadowlands 2 recent seasons. They scaled many parts of m+ (in the dungeon’s favor) and just recently lowered the effectiveness of tanks. There’s also way more brutal healing affix combos this season. :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

The trash is also a bit more complex in that they have more abilities to look out for and deal with…either way, i don’t think you’re speaking for all healers, i have no idea where you are getting the idea that they don’t’ like to dps…you sound a bit out of touch :grimacing:

healers probably won’t spending as much time dps’ing, but they’ll be using more tools like utility…it won’t be just raw healing throughput checks.

healing won’t ever just be “focus on your healing spells” ever again…that’s not how players are doing things, in any game genre really…that’s why you see the title of the role shift to things like “support” these days…cuz that’s pretty much what they are :100:

Hard disagree. Most of the healers I have spoken to don’t want to deal with constant incoming damage or tanks that need to be babysat or they can’t trust (like a new bdk learning the ropes). They also want a tank that takes next to no damage or a BDK they can trust to take care of themselves. Most healers are the tag along type that want to be carried unless we are maybe talking about the higher end of key ranges.

Remember when everyone wanted a BDK for at least half of Legion, S1 BFA, wanted nothing but prot warrior for most of BFA and mostly DK’s the last 2 seasons of SL. Ya they want a tank that they don’t have to heal and they don’t want to deal with extra healing from missed interrupts by the dps.

There is an affix called grievous. Except all healers seem to go missing that week. It’s almost like they don’t want to heal. It’s the one week where most healers can’t be carried unless you have a great prot paladin support.

literally the toxic players ruining the game.

literally 5 people watched those MDI’s.

it’s time for a change, back to healers needing to heal and tanks not healing themselves and dps needing to pay attention. You had your time playing homoginized roles and specs and you ruined the game and now the population is it’s smallest. This isnt fortnite, we want WoW back.

Go do high mythic keys tomorrow. If the dungeons are balanced around doing it 20x scaled tougher. You dont judge a zero based of keystone difficulty it will scale with when the season starts.

Normal/heroic/mythic 0 are easy mode.

Yet in every pvp battle you can never find a healer or get heals. Without some form of self healing we’d just be glass cannons.

i’ve been doing high mythic keys since like 2 months now. see this is why you should all just stop replying and listen to me. you think mythic keys start tomorrow.

92% of all top tier arena players agree that the self healing dps is out of control (except for their main class of course).

Do you know why healers are fun because we dont afk healbot. we have utility and dps we can do. if i was nothing more then a healbot i know several healers who would jump ship. healbotting like in classic was the boringest thing ever and why healers were rare. their numbers are slowly climbing because healers have a large skill ceiling and can express those skills in several ways such as dpsing while healing

The vocal minority of healers i have seen who want to be healbots want healers to be easier instead of the hardest role in the game. they want to afk watching netflix
so please stop trying to speak for others because youre bad at healing in WoW and bring nothing more then pathetic HPS

PvP doesnt equal PvE also proof or your source is trust me bro

Not really…?
We got a single self heal an we only heal our pet

Unless you mean bandages but that is easily stopped.

Season 1 starts tomorrow…

Only reason I self heal in dungeons is because the tank is trying to finish the instance in 10 minutes. The tank pulls half the dungeon and the healer can’t keep up. Speed running dungeons sucks.

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Don’t you worry, less people will be in your dungeons and go slower when mythic plus comes out if they aren’t leveling. Or more if there are doing there weekly dungeons/going for the bonus loot for runes.

Which surprises me and bothers me (a little).
It’s that people like to generalize or encompass a whole group of people… in this case, healers and the answer is simple.
“Yes and no”.
Not all healers like to only heal, they want to support in some way be it with utility, dps, strategies, etc.
The same applies to those who only like to heal.
Ultimately, there’s no need to nerf anything, because you can pretty much decide if you’re going to just heal or heal and dps.

Also, as an M+ player since Legion (that’s where the whole M+ thing started so far). I have noticed the changes that occurred regarding the mechanics, game styles, etc.
And SL was a clear example that it was an expansion where healers had almost nothing to heal (due to bad design).
That’s why I think the “I’ve been doing M+ for 2 months” argument is not the best thing to say…
Because you practically entered an expansion where healers didn’t have much to do… other than dps (except season 1, there everyone died mostly tanks).

Right now since I tested the beta, I was able to see streamers and compare experiences based on SL with DF (because my memory is not the best).
I think it’s fine as we are, because this season is going to be very violent and challenging in terms of healing and survivability, due to the high damage that has been increased, difficulty, etc.
Right now it cannot be compared with anything… because there is only “M0”, which is not a good example to be able to give a theory or conclusion because they are not even M+ or high content (that is where the most difficulty is felt ).

So… no, healers don’t just want to heal (or at least not everyone), so generalizing doesn’t help your argument at all.

92% huh, where can I read this study?

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Part of this is because of a mechanic Final Fantasy uses called “Enrage Timers” After a while, A boss will start a really slow cast and if you canʻt DPS him down before the end of the cast everybody dies instantly.
In those scenarios, it is best that Healers add DPS to make sure they can beat that timer, and healer DPS has become common in that game.

For the most part, Healer DPS in FFXIV is not very interesting. just something to fill the gaps between heals

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