Blizzconline will be free but

It reads like the same person on a different toon.


k answer this one people were screaming out for realm merger cause once thriving realms were empty. So where did those subs go?

you’re correct I won’t lie.

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Once again.

I never said subs.

I said that more people have pre-ordered the expansion than any other expansion to date as per the earnings report.

We clear now?

No not true sorry. This game had 12 millions subs once. Lucky to have 2 million now so explain how that is so?

Jesus Christ. Can you read?


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Yes I know. Pre-sales so you’re saying they have beaten all previous pre-sales on other Xpacs with SL? Wrong.

Knew it. Same person, now in three flavors. Can’t win with facts or logic, spam them with alts.


I didn’t deny it. And you think I’m the only one that does this? naive. You Blizzard people are unbelievable really you do the same thing.

I am not saying it, I am telling you what they reported to investors a couple of weeks ago. Again you can choose not to believe, but you are going pants-on-head dumb if you think they would risk going to prison lying to investors over how many people have pre-purchased. You realize lying to investors is illegal, right?

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Don’t believe everything you read.

Ok, have fun.


You too have a good day as well.

In-game store?

Cool things like…???

I’m now starting to see this whole idea as fruitless.

I’m beginning to have second thoughts. That I should wait until next November.

If they want to repair their image, they need to quit pandering to China’s corrupt government.

Sounds like you’re trolling.

Repairing their image while causing their company to become uncompetitive or entirely unable to transact within a given economic market and thus ultimately failing would not be in the players best interests. It’s a hard line and I’m glad not one that I have to take responsibility for.

If you were in charge would you do something that caused you to lose so much revenue that you then would have to lay off 20%-50% of your staff? It’s easy to stand in judgement when you don’t have to take responsibility for that number of people and their families.

I don’t always approve or agree with the decisions they make but always look to what the consequence of making the other call would be. If we thought the layoffs last year were harsh watch what happens if they lose access to China and it’s associated trading blocks.

Meh…it’s a crap sandwich either way. If you have to choose between “make symbolic stand that changes nothing and causes me to have to fire a ton of people” or “make some changes and don’t have to fire a ton of people” I’d probably make the first call. If making a stand could actually engender change that would be different of course.

Why does China even matter, especially since it’s currently in the crapper? Why aren’t the people doing anything about their broken system?

Silly me. I thought the sarcasm would be evident.

I sold my footie statue for 300 and got it for 50.

That’s the real reason all of us care about blizzcon swag… we’re here to flip it.

China matters because despite the fact that their economy is showing signs of internal instability it’s is still a massive market. Making the choice to exit that market would be profoundly bad for a company. In my opinion it would also be bad for the chinese people as the influence that a western game has in their society would be lost.

Even when you have to make obvious changes to prevent that happening (Certain COD changes come to mind for instance) it may well be of net benefit to players in that market as the overall game remains a western one with western ideals at it’s core and reflected in it’s content.

Change driven from the bottom is generational, and usually multigenerational, and can seem to be simply absent unless viewed on a longer timescale. The status of former slaves as second or third class citizens in the US was, by and large, simply an accepted social norm. As generations turned and it became increasingly obvious that those in power were using this to remain in power and not for the good of their greater communities this started to change. It’s a process that is still ongoing as our current unrest shows.

It’s hard to have patience when it’s is so obvious to us that there is a better way. Forcing that better way in short time spans can work but always produces vast amounts of human misery to do so. The end point of such profound and sudden changes may well be a golden place of meadows and puppies but the road to it will be paved in blood and bones of many innocent people that otherwise would have lived out their lives in their own contented way.