Blizzconline will be free but

Blizzard providing something for free?

Smells like communism.

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can someone translate?


Why you can’t understand English k… sorry…

I bet they might have something you can purchase just for blizzcon so everyone can get cool things.

For cheap price of 49.99$ you will get a premium ticket.
Horde players will receive a full Dark Ranger cosmetic transmog, and the Alliance the full Warden cosmetic transmog, both usable by all armor types.

Or you know… a toy with 1 hour cooldown that makes you red/blue.

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That’s why you can’t ask the VAs any questions regarding Blizzard franchises they work on or otherwise?

The mog that should be reward from blizz virtual ticket was put to sell on game shop

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They will never give cosmetics away for free when you are willing to pay for it anyway.

i never purchased the virtual ticket because… was overpriced for what i wanted out of it and 2. the only part i wanted to see (the costume contest) goes up on youtube soon after anyways). not worth 50$

The really put the con in blizzcon in 2018!


What makes you say that?

They can understand English just fine. What made what you wrote difficult to read was the fact that the only punctuation that you used was the ellipsis, three times.


And you think that what they’re not doing now as well… Hence free online to watch it…

And you’re problem? if people can’t understand what others type they shouldn’t be here END OF STORY…They new exactly what I was referring too… just playing dumb.

you’re = you are

*knew, not new


people paid money to see a mobile game announcement.

Sorry teacher didn’t know this was a Classroom… How petty really.

You’re using text to communicate here. It is no one’s fault but your own if people cannot understand what you are writing.


your/you’re don’t bother me. The one that drive me nuts is lose/loose.


The only Blizzard mobile game people are playing is Hearthstone. They could one day make Heroes of the Storm a mobile game, like Marvel Super War or League of Legends: Wild Rift.