Blizzcon thread

I hope it means we meet some Dark Trolls?! A troll can dream

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So whats the expac im on a train to nyc

Three expansions making up the ā€œWorldsoul Sagaā€
War Within: Hollow Azeroth is real, apparently. Earthen and Nerubians.
Midnight: Void vs. Light
The Last Titan: Northrend 2.0

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Itā€™s three expacs long. Itā€™s a whole story taking us all the way back to the Titans.

WOW - The War Within
WOW - Midnight
WOW - The Last Titan

Followed by World of Warcraft 2

I imagine


This was my first thought. Is this their way of ending it and starting over?


I approve of your current forum appearance and always like seeing your Avatar.

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Honestly, I wish they would. I feel like with Microsoft resources behind them, they can afford to upgrade the engine and give the game a real boost.

Also more dorfs.

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Earthen hype.

Did they just say reps are being account wide?? :0

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New allied raceā€¦ Horde dorfs?

I didnā€™t hear Reps, but I heard banks and transmogs!

Rewind - SHE SAID REPS!!

ETA: Does this mean if a plate piece drops on my Rogue, I can send a soulbound piece to an alt???

Yeah, thatā€™s where I wanted Dark Irons when they put them in as Allied Race. But Iā€™ll take whatever they give me.

That was a little underwhelming for me, I have to say. Maybe it wouldā€™ve hit better with so much lead-in, but meh.

Earthen? Thatā€™s cool. Iā€™m sure some people will be super hype, but even as an altoholic, I will never make one.

Hero Talents? I need to hear more. Could be cool, but I have no idea what that is actually supposed to look like it. Just cosmetic, or like class variants? Also that some classes have way bigger possibilities for that than others.

Warbands? I mean, awesomeā€¦ but as excited as I am for that, it feels a little weird to sell me something based on removing arbitrary frustrations that shouldā€™ve been gone ages ago.

I canā€™t help but feel like it needed at least another allied race to balance it out somehow and really hedge their bets, because that is a very specific kind of appeal that either hits or doesnā€™t. I canā€™t remember the last time that I even saw a Dark Iron dwarf in game.

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My reaction to returning to Quelā€™thalas was saying ā€œHoly F@&%ā€ multiple times.

My reaction to uniting the elves was saying ā€œF@&% Offā€ multiple times.


Weā€™re already in World of Warcraft 2, itā€™s just the same as Overwatch 2. Happened in the original game but itā€™s basically a new game now

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I donā€™t mean to be aggressive, and I can absolutely understand feeling like Blizz needs to offer more (especially to those of us whoā€™ve been playing for 19 years or more, and especially after the past decade of middling-to-bad expansions), but, I mean, they did just announce the next 3 expansions.

Did you get the Horsemanā€™s reins?

On paper, yes. But those other two expansions donā€™t really exist yet because we only have a three sentence summary of each oneā€™s plot. Maybe Midnight will have some mind-blowing list of features like officially playable High Elves, Ogres, a new class, player housing, etc., you name it.

But that doesnā€™t make me any more excited to buy The War Within, and I donā€™t feel obligated to give them extra credit for just title-dropping ahead of schedule.

It doesnā€™t sound terrible, but just not really feeling any particular hype for it. Granted, maybe I wouldā€™ve been slightly more excited if I hadnā€™t watched the whole conference which was 90% miserable for me.

Iā€™ll make at least one Earthen for my big rogue collection :slight_smile:

I did not expect a triple expac announcement. I was a bit more hyped for Avaloren speculation just because I thought we might get a bard support spec given the explorer themes and stuffā€¦ hopium is a hell of a drug, I guess.

Iā€™m with Sairelle in that itā€™s a lot of telling vs. showing right now.

Iā€™m 50/50 on the cinematic ā€“ beautifully done, and glad they didnā€™t give in to people complaining about WoW now being too much ā€œpeople talking about feelingsā€ but also, itā€™s more exciting when we see moreā€¦ stuff? in the thing, I think.

Hoping the deep dive is deep enough.

Also, fall 2024 AND next patch is the last raidā€¦ fated raids for DF, I guess?

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I mean, Iā€™ll play them. But Iā€™m not super hyped. Iā€™m happy for new lore. For dwarves. The features are ok, but not enough to make my adrenaline pump. And basically the player housing they seem determined not to give us is starting to make me salty. I feel like a lot of these changes are maybe going the path of least resistance. Thereā€™s nothing that feels 20th anniversary here to me. That should be grandiose.