Blizzcon is over and not a single peep about legion legacy content

You can play the content.
Find a few friends and go explore it!

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Why is that?
You are aware that the content used to require multiple players, right?


Many many…MANY fights before Legion were “this fight will never be soloable”. So just stop right there with that nonsense.

False. All other raids in previous expansions had a legacy damage buff applied to them. This allowed anyone at max level regardless of gear to solo them.

No they’re not. Especially not for anyone who doesn’t have a 226 ilvl.


You are aware we’re talking about LEGACY content, not current content right? Why do you so adamantly defend this trash?


Perhaps there is some misunderstanding?
You quoted this part, but failed to quote what I said literally the next line.
Is it YOU who “stopped right there” lol?

Correct, many many fights were never going to be soloable until they adjusted them.
I already covered this.

Are you sure they haven’t been adjusted in 9.0.5?
I doubt it, but its worth seeing 100 percent.

These raids do have a legacy damage buff applied to it.

And that sort of is the issue, right?
Because 226 is going to be very low in a few months.
So the problem fixes itself.

But either way, if you equip the Heart of Azeroth you gain considerable powers.
Should be very doable for any players actively playing Shadowlands, but that will of course depend on class, spec, and the difficulty you are attempting.

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I am not defending anything.

What I am doing is explaining the situation.
There appears to be a lot of misunderstanding surrounding it, for whatever reason.

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This. They don’t want fresh 60s to be able to run legion content. I thought that was pretty obvious by now. They want you to play current content until at least 9.2 or 9.3.

it doesnt devalue it though, any mounts now are a 1% chance or less. It was 100% if you completed the content in the past, titles are not very fantastic, so what if someone walks up to you wearing a title from 4+ years ago if you are a current mythic raider wearing the title from today. By that logic mounts should be deleted from the vendors after the first person buys one too, or else they too lose “value”.

Basically with the mindset you presented blizzard should actually DELETE old raids once the expansions become obsolete because apparently no one should be going back. So they are just bloatware now with every new player being required to download a dozen gigabytes of unusable dead 3d models/textures that make up those zones

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I’d rather not take a “hope for the best” approach. I know you will defend every single thing Blizzard does but most don’t.

Not Legion. No.

No, it doesn’t. There should be a legacy damage buff. What about that do you not understand?


Now THAT’S the biggest lie you’ve told on this forum.


they hardly talked about anything for the future of wow, and the Q/A was the worst ever that whole blizzcon was padded garbage.

Ion already said its working as intended. There will be no other statements about it, nor will there be a fix.

They do have a legacy damage buff.
I am unsure how you can not realize this.
Do you not play with damage meters or something?

People arent looking to “explore” the content. They are looking to run it for collecting. Be it pets mounts or transmog (or all 3). Its safe to say most people who were keen to get running legion content were playing during legion and have already run the raids on lower than mythic (possibly some mythic runners too who just want that item they didnt get in the past).

Requiring people to group up for content that is in no way relevant to the modern game is backwards serves no benefit at all. Especially considering the prior system of legacy buffs so players could farm irrelevant content on thier own at thier own pace - and pace was a factor as a fresh max lvl would be slower than a geared one, but the fresh alt could still run it


You will have trouble convincing me that a group of 2 people is too much to ask in an MMORPG, and you will never convince me that the game shouldn’t be encouraging people to group, no matter what the reason.

Playing with people is the main purpose of this game, if you ask me.

Either way, it is the way to solve your own problem on this topic, if you are currently struggling to solo legion raids.

Take it or leave it.
If you leave it though, that just tells me you aren’t that interested in obtaining these rewards.


yeah sure you group with someone and they get what you want. How is that rewarding?

Fair enough if its the modern game content but after the looooong precedent of “legacy buffs” enabling players to get a max lvl character and just go straight into the raids from 2 expansions ago - solo it and be done, how is just dropping that now meaningful and a benefit for the game?

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Not really


They can give you it?
Either way, the legacy buff exists.
I don’t understand why people keep saying it doesn’t.

I took a few minutes out of my day to just provide you some facts on this to help you understand things better.

You will see, the legacy buff is CLEARLY active lol.
If you have any other questions let me know!


Here we go again…

…It’s not our responsibility to fix problems. We are the customers, not the developers.

The legacy damage buff is there, but it’s only 8x - that’s it. 8x damage, but health scaling was completely fubar’ed as well and made the 8x buff look like absolutely nothing.

Metro, once again I’ll point you back to your own logs where you took 173k damage in a Legion fight.

Once again, it’s not our responsibility to fix something when “maintain your relative player power” was clearly advertised as well.

Also, I see you posted a new set of logs…where you took 138k damage from a Legion boss.