Alright, so the last sliver of hope i had of them fixing this problem just went down the drain. Not a single media/streamer asked them anything about legacy being whacked and mythic not being solo and they didnt mention it in Blizzconline. Just like heroes of the storm, the issue was not present and apparently they are ignoring it. I feel like the only that might get their attention is an Outdoor outside blizzard HQ, with Ions face on it asking him to fix legacy content.
I feel like i gotta explain, before we get the HUR DUR I SOLO THIS BEFORE OLOLOL. Currently, Legion is tagged as legacy content but the scaling is super wacky as is BFA. They scale with gear so its really dificult to solo the content like we do with previous expansion.
How yall feeling about it? Super disappointed like i am?
How on Earth has this not been fixed already?
Thats the one million dollar question i guess
Not even a peep about it.
Boss doesn’t think it’s a problem. 
Is this the character you do the content on?
can I see your gear as to have a suitable ilvl to base my hypothesis on?
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Not being able to solo Legion raids isn’t the only thing I’m disappointed about with blizzard right now. It’s on the list.
What hypotesis? That i need to be mythic geared on curent content, 2 expanison (4 years later) to be able to do irrelevant content?
That right now, all I see is complaining, but I want some numbers to base that claim on.
What are you people trying to solo?
They’re trying to solo content from four years ago, now in current end game Heroic raiding gear.
That is literally all that needs to be said.
Hey I’m not the OP & I struggle with Mythic Antorus in this gear I’m wearing now.
But regardless, after leveling up 20 times, it shouldn’t be hard.
The only numbers that matter are the expansion numbers. Legion is two expansions ago, so it’s legacy content and should be easily soloable by any current max level. That is how they said it was going to work. That is not how it currently works.
They botched the level squish so bad, It’s not a cut and paste fix, so they simply do not want to do the work required to fix Legacy Legion content.
So, they ignore it and refuse to address it.
Do you realize that if you un-squish* a lvl 60, then you end up with a lvl 144 toon?
And then there is the gear which is something similar, so there are two reasons not being able to solo Legion raids is…disappointing.
*= 120/50=2.4, so 60x2.4 = 144
even when we were super OP with corruption, my point is since you guys are too afraid to show your gear. There were some encounters on Mythic Antorus that were still difficult, impossible or in Tombs of Sargearas you got hit by a truck because of stacking debuffs.
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Yeah for expansions being ezpz after the start of the second expansion, I feel what they did here is intentional and don’t want to readjust it. I’m disappointed because it gives people less things to do since finding groups gets harder the older the expansion.
I don’t think they botched it. I think they did this on purpose in order to keep people out of old content and push them to do chores to make the current content participation spreadsheets look good.
Surely those people with less to do will join mythic raiding guilds and be rocketed into stardom, right?
This is a big problem.
BlizZard fix your scaling!

Apply raid-wide debuff to all enemies in the raid: -50/70% damage and health.
There. Fixed. Adjust intensity until it’s easily solo-able.
Just slap that on while you work on a more complex solution.
It’s not that hard.
I am not sure why they feel they have to take away replay value of past expansions to make current expansion look better.
Just find it an odd stance to take for a MMORPG.
Yup, intentional, and hecks no on the mythic raiding but I sense sarcasm