Blizzcon Band?

This Bllizzcon they should play hell’s March from Red Alert series. Will fit perfectly this time around

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Hey, if Weird Al thinks they’re cool…

… then they’re cool!

dj khaled.

Realistically, some generic hard rock band.

But a man can dream for this over the loud speakers:

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I seen a rumor a while back that it might get a potential remake. Which saddens me a bit, but if they can do the trilogy and it turns out good, then I wouldn’t mind so much.

Milli Vanilli, they are as credible as J. Allen Brack is right now.

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To connect with the player audience, 30 Seconds From Mars will play BlizzCon.

Because like Jared Leto, the players are too far up their own backsides to ever be credible ever again.


They are probably trying to find a group that would agree to a contract line of not making a political statement on stage lol.

Blizzcon banned?



I heard it’s going to be a band out of Hong Kong.

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What? Did she get raised from the ashes of “where are they now?” heaven by a Naaru?

Probably gonna be the Chinese anthem:

Arise, ye who refuse to be slaves;
With our very flesh and blood
Let us build our new Great Wall!
The peoples of China are in the most critical time,
Everybody must roar his defiance.
Arise! Arise! Arise!
Millions of hearts with one mind,
Brave the enemy’s gunfire,
March on!
Brave the enemy’s gunfire,
March on!
March on!
March on, on!


Don’t cut yourself on all that edge.

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This thread is going to make me roll my eyes so hard I go blind.

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How old are those kids? The Sickness came out in 2000. lol

Third Eye Blind confirmed.

Sadly half of Blind Faith is dead, so they are out.


I hear Earth Wind and Fire will be playing.

Are you saying that like its a bad thing?

Since I’m going this year (i live 1 hour away) I’m hoping its Tool.

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