Blizzcon 2020 is cancelled

Blizzard can still hold BlizzCon this year if they make it a digital attendance only event.

COVID-19 hysteria is overblown and it no longer follows science but politics.

It’s going to be virtual and for good reason. It’s honestly sort of weird that a person would consider this a bad year merely because of the lack of a physical convention and not because of the reason there isn’t a physical convention.

Good luck getting a ticket anymore anyway.

What’s the fuss? They can still ask if we all have phones in a virtual setting.

I mean its less stressful for them as they can just turn the comments off instead of having to listen to boos

I am just ROLE PLAYING as a troll, in fact I am a Tauren!

Pretty sure there was no BlizzCon in 2006 and 2012, so this is actually the third year they’re missing.

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Not the first time Blizzcon was canceled, you will live.

Unlike some people if they caught Covid from going to Blizzcon, or if they caught covid because someone went to Blizzcon and brought it back to them. Blizzard made the right choice here. More business’s should be closing down events.

It was the Covid of times…

Majority of us just want a place to have fun. Since the world wants to be strange and according to articles I read the other day they would like to extend it for another two-three years of precautions.

So I keep hoping at the very least we will be offered proper entertainment in a virtual world and even that is up in the air. If you are not able to provide that Blizzard. I guarantee someone else will.

Anyways back to reality yes Blizzcon would’ve probably been very fun to attend. It’s not surprising they cancelled. No one really knows when normality will kick in again.

Please make a fun video game while we wait for normality. Instead of a statement. As we have enough of that shoved down our throats already.

It’s the Chinese virus or kung flu. Get it right man.

Seeing how people down there in America are struggling with even the most basic safety things like wearing masks it’s a great decision by blizzard to cancel it.

Everyone already knows that.

Blizzard doesn’t want the few people who still defend their bad decisions to die of the Corona Virus.

You’ll also miss the next mobile keystone announcement.

I think I read somewhere that due to the severity of everything, they don’t want to scramble and try to slap something together at the last minute and as a result, there unfortunately won’t be an online version either.

But I could be wrong. Feel free to correct me

I believe they’ve said they’re planning on doing a digital thing in early 2021.

I was really looking forward to overwatch mobile. What a shame.