BlizzCon 2019 Virtual Ticket

Great…given the ridiculous mog and lack of a mount (once again) I know have $50 more to fund the fall steam sale with. Thanks for freeing that money up Blizzard!


You cannot seduce me with murlocs blizzard, I rather save my money to buy a new PC.

I gonna be honest, if they put those airships up as a reward again it would be an instant buy for me, a little dissapointed in myself that i missed that one.

you know you can wear the flower crowns all year now right? they made that change in 8.2.5…

idk if you know how conversion rates works…

“6 months of wow time is 9000$!!!”
no its 9000 yen, very different from 9000$
go check how much your virtual ticket costs, cause i garuntee your virtual ticket costs less then the 68$ you say for a AAA game.

“Lack of mount once again” dude, we have only gotten mounts in 2 blizzcons, we have had 11 blizzcons without mounts, they are not the norm, why are you pretending like its something they do every year “Except now cause they are greedy”


Wait wait how much is it? Wasnt it $50 last and now its $70? That is a big jump.

no, its the exact same price it was last year… alot of people just dont know that currency conversions exist… so people are saying “blizzcon is 150$ this year, this is total BS!” turns out they are speaking in brazilian money. “Blizzcon was 40$ last year” yeah in british pounds… “This year its 70$” its only 65$ and your talking canadian.

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How did you guys not learn from last year? Where is the mount?

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we have only ever had 1 mount from virtual ticket, so idk why you are suspecting one.

THe first virtual ticket blizzcon was 10 years ago.
we have had 9 blizzcons so far
1 of them gave a mount
the other 8 did not
why are you crying “wow again no mount wow lame old blizz never woulda done this”

Put it on twitch for free for the love of god.

Hopfully that wasnt overly sarcastic for you :slight_smile:

quick way to stop blizzcon from happening ever again.
it costs ALOT to run a convention, even with these they lose money from blizzcon.
there is a reason for a bit they started doing blizzcon only every other year.

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I figured they would make a killing from all of the people actually attending.

Isnt the tickets like 500 dollars or somthing?

$1500 to meet the devs

Its on par with most other blizzcon rewards its gonna be ok.

ticket price was 199 until last year and this year where it was 229. there is also the portal pass one which is 550, but you really dont need that.

but do you know how expensive it is to run one of these events?
The convention center is HUGE
also if you actually go to blizzcon you get like 50$ worth of real life goodies, so there is that too. so that 229$ ticket is quickly down a fair bit.

the anaheim convention center is 1,600,000 square feet, that costs ALOT of money to rent, even for those days, cause remember they gotta rent it for the 3 days people are there, aswell as 3-ish days before and after for time to set up and pack up.

Then I guess it will be the original price if it’s on par right?

how can blizzard go from every year giving a pet, to giving 2 mounts ,then back to giving a pet and some other stuff? that is super lazy.

we have now had 10 virtual blizzcons
only 1 of them gave mounts
why are you pretending like this was a thing blizzard did all the time, and now are just so bad and not doing it anymore!

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I keep getting an error and can’t buy the ticket ;_; Oh well will try later.

Blizzard prices in Australian dollars in Australia (surprisingly logical, eh?)

Virtual Ticket: $70
AAA new release game at Amazon or JB: $68

No conversion rate involved.