Perhaps but to me the fees to attend seem very high if it is, indeed, “for the fans”.
The 77th World Science Fiction Convention takes place in Dublin this year over 5 days, and if I could travel that far I’d love to go because World SF cons are amazing fun - this year the program includes:
Music, Costuming, and Artistic Programme and Performances
Writers Programming and Workshops
Fan Chats (Special Interest Group Meetups)
And MUCH more! (such as an art show, creative displays, dealer tables, fan tables, the list goes on)
And the cost for all of that is currently 235 Euro (which can even be paid off in installments). They even have reduced costs for children and infants.
But then, Worldcons are run by fans, not by a company. I guess that is the difference.
Well, at least they eliminated the possibility of that same question being asked again this year…by requiring all ticket holders to use a mobile app. Which, as opposed to last year, they know the audience will have cellphones on them, and I expect they will have a free download available of that Moablo game.
It’ll be ironic justice if the face shown in the image is the same face that will be stuck greeting people, while handing them their Warcraft statues as they enter.
I bought the virtual ticket two years in a row now. I was happy 2 years ago. Based on what happened last Blizzcon though, they’d have to offer something really compelling as an in game benefit before I’d waste my money on it again.
Instead of insulting players maybe take a page crom vhx’s book and post helpful informatuon about Blizzcon. I know the original poster wasn’t exactly perfect but two wrongs don’t make a right, be the chamge you wish to see.
They are doing to throw everything at us but the kitchen sink at the next Blizz-con. I mean the last one was a huge failure in the opinion of a lot of people. So they got a lot to try and make up for.
Not only do I expect 9.0 info but a new class and at least a few allied races if not new races to be announced just for WoW at Blizzcon for 9.0. Then Diablo 4 because if they try and bring up anything about Immortal they will cause a riot.
People pay a lot of money to attend Blizzcon. After being burned last year I don’t expect all of them will want to spend that kind of money to go again but I do believe this year will feel more worth attending with at least those two big announcements.
WoW expansion announcement this year. Therefore I will buy the virtual ticket and blizzard knows it. No use pretending otherwise. Hope it comes with a nice new mount and/or pet. mostly mount.
Guess what, the salty vocal minority is not the entirity of the forums, slugger. Example being the person I quoted in the first place and whos post I agree with. You few complainers are not the forum majority and I sure as heckin heck dont gotta please any of you or pander to anyone.
I love the forums but I aint going to lick no ones boots, Blizzards or yours, chief.
My opinion is my own and I will make it known. When a portion of the community is acting like entitled garbage I am going to point it out. If you choose to feel so attacked that you start throwing a tantrum and demanding peoples positions, then thats on you chief.