Blizzars banning addons in new year?

im just thinking about trying to track cds without weakauras

gotta look at the borders of your screen to see your cds instead of directly under your character lmao

We roleplayers use a couple of addons that would make this game unbearable to try and RP in without them.

Sounds fake. Sunday though.

I’d straight up have to stop playing without addons. The game is stupid bad for people with poor eyesight.

Look up the entire Jenkins story.

And calm down.

Anyone who actually believes this is just dumb as hell

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Must be North Korean Servers. No such thing here.

If it is true, good. People only care about numbers these days and not actually care about having fun.

This all sounds unironically great.

Raiding is toxic asf these days if you dont parse at peak efficiency or whatever.

What else?
So many things, “my dude”. For example, Gladiatorlossa warns you when other player is using/used a skill/spell on pvp. That is SO useful.
If you don’t see the necessity in this, plus dbm and alikes, “my dude”, we all can tell you probably lack control of your character and actions.

Tell us you don’t have a raiding mindset without telling us you don’t have a raiding mindset.

Getting the most out of your character can be the difference between a wipe or a kill.

Tired of people seeing you’re a 1200 player?

Sounds like someone that has never played high level pvp.

This would never happen, a vast majority of their pve content would be undoable without them.

To be honest since Wrath of the Lich King most raid calls are easy to spot in either the chat or in the visuals that the game provides.

I played with absolutely no raid calls in shadowlands. Couldn’t be bothered but also nothing was difficult except for the dance sequence in Castle Nathria, where it wasn’t well explained in the debuff where you have to dance with a partner that you actually need to move more than just back and forth you need to actually run with your partner.

Everything else was easy to read and easy to understand.

Now to be fair Vault of the incarnates so far has had at least three fights that are so specific that I’m not sure they can be handled without a thorough explanation of the mechanics (council, Teros and eragog that I’ve seen) people are just to to die or wipe the raid.

Sounds legit.

Obvious nonsense but truth be told I’d like them to curtail what addons can do. Weak Auras for example can be highly egregious with what you can make it do. Don’t have to ban it but limit the access to the API

Such as…?

It can trivialize entire fights by broadcasting things (see lord’s of dread). That’s wrong.

the whole discord ?! oh no!