They’ve literally said boss addons have forced them to change the way they design raids.
I’m not sure you read my post.
Even if they cancel the in game LUA combat log reading ability, players can still circumvent it through illegal addons. All they have to do is reverse engineer either a data file or the live-game memory. Which is what FF mods do, rather illegally mind you.
Regardless, Blizz would need to take an FF stance on things. Let’s not forget FF also has DBM style mods. Mods that are far more heavily moderated. Anything DBM-like discovered is an immediate ban. AI found or not.
Blizzard would need to follow the same approach.
All I’m saying is I don’t want any other game giving me such obnoxious cues that I’m being bad. I want some degree of difficulty. I don’t run DBM for exactly that reason. Why would you be in harder content and run something like DBM? What is even the purpose of doing that content? Might as well ask a puzzle to solve itself for you at that point.
I had always used their UI until they changed it…now i had to download 2 additional addons (tidy plates & bartender) just to get the old UI look! LOL
Betheseda (guess saying name right) did that with mods and it all but killed the Fallout 4 and Skyrim (amoung other games). So no its a very bad idea really. From both a fan base and a commercial payout wise.
“approved by them” isn’t really any different than “it’s fine as long as you’re not breaking the ToS or charging money for the addon”. If Blizzard doesn’t like what an addon does, they break it by changing the API.
So no, I don’t think anything is changing in the new year regarding addons and how Blizzard handles them.
If they ban addons, it will literally kill the game.
No way in hell is this true.
WoW has, from the get-go, been designed with addons in mind. WoW’s own developers have recommended addons like auctionator and all of that. No. It’s not true.
They are never banning addons, at most they’ll block raid only weakauras, and even thats an unwinnable scenario for them.
You like it don’t ya! You be at the right height what you enjoy most. Christmas bunny!
gasp excuse me! how dare you suggest i like draenei in that way. or at all.
You have no choice once done with ya!
Instant unsub.
i too have a choice. flees
huh? both Fallout 4 and Skyrim are currently being actively modded
I got a potion that would help with them flees, on AH 28,000g for you free, it’s a hard cold winter I understand sister.
i’m not your sister.i’m your superior.
only on the xbox and ps is the approval and not from Bethesda but the respective companies
but the ps can’t have the custom assets
but the pc is a free reins
Oh a hard shell to crack. Hmmmm I’ll let ya think what you want to think baby! Just as long it bring joy and bring out the Rosie’s cheeks with that Santa outfit.