Alex, I’ll take things that are not true for a thousand!
I dunno what Blizzars plans are but Blizzard will never ban all addons. They’d have to redesign the game. Right now even loading screens send you to external sources for things they’ve decided to outsource like “how do you play wow”
ah, well I play the PC so I guess that’s why I never noticed. I see new mods regularly for both games on Nexus
also if we go that route they need to ban wowhead lol
a lot of mount hunters/easter egg hunts will go undiscovered
but its sad on the console side
but at lease xbox has free reins on the assets not the nsfw mods lol
If this is true, I’m the easter bunny.
My what big red eyes, sharp teeth and scaly skin you have easter bunny! IF THATS YOUR REAL NAME!?!?!
Blizzard would never, ever do this. The majority of WoW players use some sort of addon; blanket banning addons in WoW would kill this game harder than WoD ever could.
They aren’t gonna do that this many years into the game, although I’d sorta love it if they did.
not a bad troll. could be semi-supported by the new ui edit mode that makes it look like they are trying to get away from the need for addons slowly…
i dont think we have to worry just yet tho
Right up there with “people are saying”. Banning addons bricks the game.
I mean they’ve said before Addons like DBM and weakauras have forced them to make boss encounters more complex, but I doubt they would do something that drastic without a heads up. Some Addons are integral to what people do in this game? Remember how many people stepped up and donated when the DBM author said he was going to have to stop updating and developing the addon?
Oh no… A return to Draenor expansion…
Guess we all know whos at the bottom of the meter
Kimmy plays a Kul’tiran I bet.
Not OP, but I myself, use weakauras to track ability cooldowns, or buff durations. They disappear when off cooldown so i can minimize screen clutter, and buff durations hilight when about to expire, etc. Nothin i couldnt live without but its my preferred ui.
This is the dumbest attempt at trolling
fully approve this ! best thing they can do for wow.
Well you read it on the internet from a source you cannot verify so it must be true.