Blizzars banning addons in new year?

The older i am the worse it gets. Please send help

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I heard a rumor if your name isn’t close to a real name your getting ban hammered. Oh and they are banning all elves on principle. I like these rumors.

I also heard a rumor, that there is a rumor about a rumor going around.



You can say it all you want, until you’re blue in the face, but it’s not your game.


All addons are essentially already approved by them, or they wouldn’t be allowed to operate in the game. Period. They will never disallow all addons.


I wouldn’t mind them banning DBM and stuff like that. I’m all for making the game harder where it counts. Anything else cosmetic/more beneficial is a big why?

Highly doubt the rumor is even remotely true.

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The new default UI doesn’t even have a way to set up your action bars in an MMO mouse-style 3x4 grid with the first button on the upper left and the last button on the bottom right—not unless you manually change all your key bindings in a ridiculous way that creates additional problems.

It’s a disaster for Logitech G600 or similar mouse users. Addon makers have had it right for close to two decades probably.

Edit: meant G600 not G500

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Source: Trust me man.

In all seriousness that’s not going to happen unless they turn the addons into base features. They more or less did that with Bagnon for example. DBM/BigWigs is a must have. I know there’s always that 1 person who wants to feel special "I actually cleared Mythic raids without either you don’t need them :nerd_face: " It makes the game infinitely better to play with how many mechanics there are in modern dungeons and raids.

I also have no idea how a DPS/healing meter hasn’t been added baseline yet.

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No. Blizzard is not banning addons. They don’t technically “support” them in that they don’t make the game to cater to them, but they all operate in Blizzard’s sandbox and are allowed as long as they don’t cross into automation/spam.

Spreading rumors is never a good idea.


you know how many Players they would lose if they did this? they would lose almost everyone

Get rid of weakauras such a toxic cancer part to the game. if you need a weakaura to do a raid then the raid needs to be changed, simple as that.

If true they must have discovered some seriously bad mods to warrant them prescreening.


North or south?


I hope so
too many cheat hacks that add-ons offer
especially for pvp

learn to play the game without the addon telling you players x y z used a trinket, is on Dr, and is using x power.

Ive been very loud about the baloney add-ons for pvp for decades


If blizzard did not want players to make/use addons, why would they have gone to all that effort to create and maintain the public API?


The only way to remove DBM and Weak Auras would be to remove the Combat Log which is where those addons get most of their data.

I’m sure that would be celebrated by many GD posters who like to blame addons, etc for their inability to clear or even get into end game group content like M+ and Raids. It would also neuter any theory crafting and move parsing, etc to a gray area like you see in FF XIV.


They don’t need to hard ban the ability to make the addon. They can soft ban the publisher name/make a clear statement that mods like this are against the ToS. Not that they will. FF is doing the same right now and they can’t really enforce it to any degree. People still run abacuses and whatnot.

I only want it banned so I won’t be required to use it. It’s boring af walking into a fight with something blaring at you. I want player skill to matter in all facets. Not just knowing your rotation.

The addons get banned then the next thing you know they are like, “why is there a lack of players to que up with?”

I personally have to have addons because I can’t see all that well so they help me know about mechanics / spells and all that via sound.

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As long as the combat log exists someone will make an addon to scrub it for useful info since that’s all addons like DBM are in the end. They just present info in a clear way that the game already offers to players.