Blizzard's Transparent Plan with SoD: Getting People Into Retail

Just like i told the other guy. Imma move on.

I hope you get calf kicked by a bunch of gnomes.

Awesome. I’ll remember next time that you are proud of being totally selfish and that you visit the forums but hate to read.


SoD is a version of Classic+. Its not what you want specifically, but had the Classic devs done exactly what you want, there would be people like me who would be unsatisfied with what they developed.

Era servers are full of players. Releasing a fresh or slightly changed version of Era would just empty out the popular Era servers.

SoD has some pretty radical changes, no doubt. I’m in favor of more radical than less, in this instance because SoD is a seasonal server.

I dont think youre going to see your vision of Classic+. SoD is it, in terms of an altered Classic world. Perhaps a few years down the line, they will release another season with less changes? Seems doubtful though.

If they surprise us with other things like transmogs, new mounts/boosts/pets you can buy, etc. then yeah I’d be done with the game at that point.

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Now if only the other 99% of the forums was as open and honest in this regard.

Kek - this guy. Calls me a liar in another thread when his claimed classic experience is:

‘a connection’ :joy: :rofl: :sweat_smile:

When he clearly didn’t read or comprehend the post he was responding to.

Then when asked to post on classic character goes:

Bro please troll better or else you’re gonna end up getting


As i told the other 2… imma move on. Have a bad day.

I can accept that this is a seasonal server and it was always going to have changes.

I don’t think my reasoning for not being into SoD is really common but for me personally, they couldn’t have picked anything worse than what they did to change it up. 90% of the focus is on one thing only - class abilities. I’ve never gone into the next expansion and been like “Hey they are adding a new ability”. On a scale of 1 to 10 between exciting and not it’s a strong 0. I haven’t even been researching the SoD abilities because I find that to be like a really bad unpaid job. Similar to watching the dryer on a spin cycle. All I want to know is what class I can play that will feel the same as always to where it will not feel like a totally different version of WoW so I can focus on the actual fun parts and not the bad job parts. Which may not happen.

Yes, it’s at the expense of stuff that I’d find fun, instead, it’s some crappy, bland chore. That is why I can’t disagree with the statement you quoted. I’ve been very interested in the next season and it couldn’t be about something worse.

Plus if anything is changed up this is what has the most chance of going wrong, and Era shouldn’t be messed with either. It has been already and some people here just blow that off because they don’t care.

Obviously, other people find this whole rune thing super exciting and I’ve tried to not hate on it because I do want to accept that others have different opinions on what is fun. I’ve been skipping posting mostly to not be rude to others.

Still, having a person who loves this admitting to being a totally selfish jerk who visits the forums but hates to read isn’t a good look as to what player base this is attracting and how the community will be.


Its not just imbalanced for pvp if they do competitive dps. Paladins can ignore half the hard mechanics in the game due to bubble, self-dispels, etc. If a ret can do the damage of a war the game is broken.


When ret is good the entire games balance is off cus it’s the lowest skill highest payoff class. That’s why whenever ret is above B tier arena metas are crap.

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You are a liar or have a terrible memory, either way you don’t have a clue.

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Was mainly talking about PvE when talking about Ret performance. As for PvP, I think the spec should be viable. Too many players like the spec. It has glaring weaknesses that can be exploited.

In vanilla you cannot buff / nerf one without directly impacting the other.

It is already strong in pvp in era - but it is strong without being easy and the majority of paladins lack the skill to properly play ret.

I’m probably gonna roll a paladin if I play SoD and will enjoy wrecking nearly every class with the 2 new yellow attacks for a little bit.

Eventually they will probably nerf it, or add horrible spells like mass dispell so other classes have more counters, if not it will be so ridiculous and the game will be far less balanced than era currently is.

All while playing a version of paladin that is way easier to execute on, has far less depth, and much lowered skill cap.

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Not viable, good. Ret can’t be good or else PvP becomes bad as a whole. We’ve seen it a dozen times in WoWs lifespan. Good players can counter a viable ret by baiting and kiting, but when the ret is A tier they just dominate and require very little mechanical skill.

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This thread title still makes me laugh. All of Classic has been a ploy to get people to buy retail, a store mount, a boost, and tokens.

To blame that on SoD is so funny and so wrong.

Meh, original Classic didn’t have any of that. It was simply included with your sub.

TBC Classic is when very obviously they abandoned any pretense of doing this ‘for the players’. It just became a cash cow to milk whales.

Blizzcon laid out the road map. Era merged into SoD at the end of the season. SoD merged into retail for the last 3 expansions. The writing is on the wall.

Just a complete and total lie lol


We covered this. No, it is not strong at all. Its quite the liability in group PvP. I watched your linked video from earlier and, while entertaining, its nothing but 1v1 situations. Every class has a video like that.

Ret in Era is trash in BG’s and group based WPvP. SoD could change that. We will see.

I think we agreed to disagree - but common, ret has all the same abilities as a holy paladin in group pvp (cept holy shock which is basically only really useful for flag running).

The extra +500 healing power that a BIS pure holy paladin has is not super impactful - flash is good regardless - but it is freedoms, sac, bop, cleanse that make the paladin a good support. In any serious BG you can basically only heal when you’re bubbled as a paladin or else you get insta silenced. Better to have a priest in almost all situations if you’re focusing on the healing part - it is the support where the paladin shines.

Only bad ret players are bad in group pvp - the good ones will heal / support when needed and burst when needed.

You don’t see it often because there are very few good ret paladins.

tldr: bad players a liability in group pvp and bad players tend to gravitate to ret.

Side Note:

I linked those videos to show how incredibly powerful the ret paladins already are without any yellow attacks - add two yellow attacks and they will obliterate almost every caster with ease (their only current weakness). In the vids the paladin had to stack reckoning to kill casters - that will become a thing of the past, just run up and use the yellow and boom 50% hp gone if SoC procs.

Physical dmg enemies are already a joke for paladins.

The only weakness that will be left is gap closing, but rocket boots / helm / nades / having a team can go a long way for that.