Blizzard's Transparent Plan with SoD: Getting People Into Retail

Lines are being redrawn, new alliances formed! :joy:

idk why but your post made this play in my mind.

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Or they could just tune classic abilities and add a new dungeon/zone/raid like classic players actually wanted?

What’s with this braindead take that they need to smash a bunch of retail trash into classic or do nothing? There are more than these two options. Some people wanted nothing, pretty much nobody wanted this. The retail guys are excited, because yeah, its retailified classic for their retail down-season when they get bored on retail.

Classic+ is whatever they turn classic into. It could involve some wotlk/tbc abilities. None of the runes are from retail btw. It’s mainly tbc and maybe some wrath.

It is now.

that’s retail :expressionless:

You need to say braindead some more.

I’m almost convinced.

yup. :expressionless:
we asked for very small, incremental changes because we knew that the devs wouldn’t be able to handle anything else.
anyone thinking the game is going to be remotely fun/playable after adding all this untested crap to vanilla, you must have your brains turned off. don’t say we didn’t want you
:circus_tent: :clown_face: :circus_tent:

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Era was dead without HC.

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“Those who buy gold to GDKP are a minority.”

link the data to support that. Or you just pulled that out of your rear end?

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completely untrue but ok :expressionless:


SoM came with a 60% XP boost increased to 100% like a month after launch. The purpose of seasons isnt to spend 6 IRL days to hit 60. The point is the content they produce.

If you want old school leveling Era is literally there for you to enjoy.

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This person been spewing up made up nonsense all the time. They have zero clue whats going on around them. Dont mind them. Point, Laugh, and move on.

I get andrews cant handle reality but yes it was true. And no, a shot of Sw with 60 people standing around waiting to get a buff does not prove that era was popping off before HC came out lol.

Only if you’re stupid.

This feels like how people came up with Flat Earth

I played era before hardcore and it was definitely booming. I think a lot of classic exclusive players didn’t want Wrath.


It’s because Wrath is retail so nobody really cares. Wrath babies been crying since 2008.

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Then don’t play SoD.
Problem solved.
Era remains untouched.

Complaining to complain.
“Everything I don’t like is retail” all over again.

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I’m not super familiar with retail but I know the ranged kidney shot and ranged slow for rogues are both from retail. Late retail, not wotlk or earlier. Other classes must have some too.

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sorry to say but a lot of retailers are :whale:. They are used to buying gold as a mechanic as wow token is already ingrained into the game. I doubt they will have any issue swiping.


They need to ban GDKP