Blizzard's support system is terrible

So, in the last week I experienced a major bug in-game on my warlock. I was unable to access any of the covenant features after swapping nightfae including my soulbind trees and conduit systems. The bug happens when you first swap to the covenant and never get the initial quest from your covenant leader. This means you never complete chapter 1 of the campaign and never get any of the actual abilities associated with the campaign. I even tried questing through the campaign all the way to chapter 3 of the nightfae campaign (which FYI, don’t do this if you get this bug because you get your abilities in the first chapter) So essentially…I cannot progress my lock further as nightfae. This is where things get really really frustrating.

Not only did I make a ticket immediately when I found this bug, which was 4 DAYS AGO. But I made an additional ticket after I didn’t receive a response for over 48 hours. Now blizzard mentions with your ticket creation that there is a 24 average wait time, but 4 days? 4 days where you basically cannot play a character and all it takes is a simple bug fix? This is atrocious to me. We pay to play this game and some of us pay a lot in additional charges, and we don’t even get a live chat option? You shut down your call service, shut down your live chat for 90 percent of the issues in the game and can’t answer a ticket about a bugged character in under 4 days? Now I understand limiting your call hours so every 1500 andy doesn’t call in complaining about how jimmy stole his lunch money in a duel, but for the people with bugs that are hindering them from experiencing the game they paid money for? Please do better with the support system. I almost never make tickets and have called blizzard maybe 3 times in my bajillion years playing this game and it’s never been a good experience.


the people working those tickets can’t fix bugs - I am not sure what they do in this situation but just because no one responded doesn’t mean no action is being action.

You are posting on a lvl 60 warrior so you have other characters you can play.

It doesn’t change the fact that people shouldn’t be waiting over 4 days for a bug fix.


No. They have been perfect to me and to my friends. You are probably having problems because you submit your tickets in one gigantic wall of text

and also…

Thats what the bug report is for which is why you are getting the response you are getting and maybe you submitted it under the wrong selection as well.

You keep mentioning it is a bug issue so submit a bug report. I think you posted this here to cause drama about how bad you think Blizzard is. You know that if you would have submitted this on CS forums you would have a CM over there who would at least get you started in the right direction.

I am not suggesting you do that. Just saying that even that would have been better than this. And also…submit a bug report.

Tickets do not fix bugs. And a 4 day wait is less than half the time we used to have to wait back before the bnet merger was around. Having a 2 week ticket sometimes was the norm back in the day and on some battlegroups and servers it got delayed even longer. 4 days is almost instant in comparison.

I still have not gotten a response. I said it’s already been 4 days and I also used the bug report feature.

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believe it or not blizzard support once was stellar - praised for.

idk why they decided it wasnt as important anymore. they already had the hard work done they just needed to maintain.

now theres no coming back from current state…


Just a thought, but a bug report isn’t the same as a support request ticket.

Generally speaking, bug reports aren’t looped back to the reporter at all.

I’m unclear which we’re discussing (maybe it’s both).


That ain’t a bug, in 9.2 there are no quests after you change covenant in oribos. You’ll have to go to covenant HQ to get your quests (if you never joined the covenant before there will be additional starter intro quest too) If you have renown 80 with the covenant there are no restrictions, but if you don’t then there are restrictions, basically grind to renown 80.


Have you tried reswapping covenants again? Perhaps this is one of those things where some wires got crossed or somethin.

I have done this. I have done all quests within the covenant. Have done the entire campaign for nightfae on my druid as well. This bug I am having is a known issue you can look it up others have experienced the same issue.


I have seen bugs not fixed for over 6 months.

I had this bug and all I had to do watch switch back to a diff cov and back to fae and it was fixed.

Found the answer on the forums too.

Doesn’t hurt to research sometimes

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You also aren’t understanding the issue. Chapter 1 for the questline that you get immediately after swapping regardless of 80 renown on other characters that lets you learn your covenant abilities and access to soulbind with Niya the first soulbind never occured. The quest is not in oribos and its not in the covenant. Once again this is an issue many many people are having and are posts about this bug already.

Did you talk to what’sherface, brb, Lady Moonberry?

Bingo that’s it! Don’t mind me. Have a great one.

Yes man I have swapped nightfae on multiple toons and have completed the entire campaign for it. I know the process. As soon as you swap on a new toon lady moonberry gives you a quest to go to ardenwalde. I never got that quest that is where the bug is. And I swapped out swapped back to nightfae. Still no quest from her. Got the quest from bolvar because there is an additonal quest to go there from him, and did every quest there associated with the covenant through that, but never got the intro quests to get my soulshape and soulrot and bind for soulforge. Again this is a known issue and bug and it says contact blizzard support if you have this issue.

QA and the Devs don’t answer tickets or respond to Bug Reports, unless the have more questions.

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I also made a ticket. I am trying to explain what you just explained to everyone else. The bug report will not fix your individual issue, but allow them to assess the route cause of the issue. You still need a ticket for something like this issue.

yeah, but CS doesn’t process Bug Reports, The ONLY way CS can help is if the Devs and QA give them a solution, so far there isn’t one.