Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

Then don’t?

Why do you think buying carries is required?

You can’t spin this, give up now.

The president insulted a player and it’s an all new low for the company.



who said its required? But it is the way the current game runs.

To many people making RL money off this game by selling gold carries and botting

The president stated that the player does not complete the content.

You agreed.

It’s an option but one that is by no means requires or needed.

I never said he can’t complete the content. Are you being paid to shill like this or does it just come natural to you.

The fact is, the President insulted a player who is paying a sub and looked super bad and you can’t pretend it didn’t happen.


I think this is a huge issue, and why you see people on these forums keep defending the status quo, they are either buying carries or selling them.


How can he complete the content if he doesn’t play?

How much are you being paid to shill for a multi million dollar corporation?

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You mean the president who keeps making bad decisions with his company while all he does is twitch stream mythic plus while at work? The one who was co ceo-ed with a lady and the lady got paid less then him and he didn’t care with the said lady leaving? We wanna call out this guy as some hero for calling out another twitch streamer for not playing the bad product that the so called president has a hand in designing?


Show us your paycheck for shilling for Blizzard over this.

You know what happened. You are in denial.


I am not calling him a hero.

There is a middle ground.

I don’t see why we have to call Asmon a hero.

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Show me your shilling paycheck first!

We got a shill off.

Way to deflect.

Raid teams compete against other raid teams.

Hence why teams like Echo and Liquid compete for world first every tier.

People at all skill levels compete against other raiders teams for world region and server ranking.

Not a wanna be jock my guy. I’m sorry you never participated in team sports and don’t understand what it’s like to be part of a team.

no one here did

People just said
1 - he had a valid point
2 - the Blizz dude shouldnt have attacked him publicly the way he did

BLizz shills just cant seem to read


No one is calling Asmon a hero. We are calling the President out for insulting a player in their game.

It’s kinda really bad PR.


Or option C. People who do neither and realize people use it as excuses.

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It’s impossible for Asmon to have a valid point. Dude is carried in all the content he does.

They fight the computer not each other. You can call it a race to see who beats the computer faster but its not head to head competition

I know its its like to be part of a team, but I also dont try to sell my computer game as an equal to the NFL

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I find most of his points valid and well thought out.


And i don’t see people calling the blizzard guy a hero.

Just more not caring about his comments.


so if you cant argue against the point, attacker the messenger?

debate fails 101