Blizzard's president called out Asmongold


Am I in a weird Beastie Boys song?


I was 35 when WoW launched and had been playing MMORPGs since 99. I was already over the forced grouping mechanic.

WoW offering me the ability to level to cap solo in an online persistant world filled with other people is what drew me in (I was a MC1 & 2 player but moved on to other games and missed WC3 originally)
Many people either forget or ignore that MMORPG just meant many people online in a persistent world - EQ was the forced grouping model and WoW broke that mold

I thought this too, this guy keeps insulting people for their lack of skill, and I’m like, who gives a flying monkey’s butt about some video game accomplishment in real life.


Nothing’s changed. You can still do that.

And like before…once you get to max level you will need to start grouping for most progression.

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At Wows highest levels skill matters. I raided with people who died on the stairs in Kara, every single pull. They died to frogger every time after Patches. The died ever single time on Ozruk. My ex got the staff in Firelands but my she couldnt do the quest so I had to do it for her

She had an outgoing personality and was taken to any raid she wanted - including early Heroic ones. Perfect example of no skill but personality invited


I just wanted to respond to your post.

There is constant discussion on the forum of people wanting what they cannot get by normal means. Feeling as though by having a subscription means having guaranteed rewards.

Only thing guaranteed is access to all content from a technical standpoint. But real group access requires effort and hard work. Putting in the time to grind gear and learn the fights. Getting the RIO. Linking achievements.

It can make a new player or a returning player feeling like a too daunting of a task. Yet, it’s no different than anything else in our country. I have the freedom to do almost anything once I put effort in it.

Having all rewards on launch or expecting others to pull your dead weight isn’t realistic,

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

They talked a little about it a while ago and part of the issue with having many battlegrounds is it spreads the playerbase out very thinly across them and can damage queue times.

I’d be all for them adding a new one here and there, but they also maybe need to remove a few old ones (which they’ve done) when they do it. And removing things normally comes with backlash.


I’m not determining anything.

There’s literally addons and websites that track and determine that.

I’m not the one that’s delusional

Baseball is a game.
Soccer is a game.
Table tennis is a game

Yet all of these have players and multiple different skill levels.

Like it or not there are going to be good players and there are going to be bad players.


You just need to go to the WoW in-game shop, buy some tokens, and then get one of the many sellers in trade chat to carry you through the whole game. Then you can go on the forums with your 3000+ IO and 9/9 mythic character to then tell people they’re bad at the game.



So there is a time when we should be attempting to judge a person’s skill based in content and goals?

yes you can do it for the 4-5 hours it takes in todays game vs the over 100 it too in classic alone

Here is LFR, its the only difficulty. Can raiders now shut up?

I mean I agree with you almost 200%

That’s one way to do it.

If I had a dime for every time I saw this actually happen though I would still be waiting for my first dime.

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should? I dont think I ever said anything about should. Maybe there should never be a reason to have a difficulty level where skill matters in a cop-op game

all of those are competitions.

WoW is a cooperative game

PvP is the only area where competition exists like those games

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The irony is I haven’t insulted anyone’s skill. Imagine lying about things because you can’t refute facts.

Yet no onebis bragging about game skill irl.


lol, no I’m just a jerk. Ignore me.


You want everything to be overly trivial and not have to try.

I would suggest a variety of games for ages under 12.

Well duh, because that is the only thing to do lol. This has been a problem in WoW since Vanilla, they just got away with it in the past because they didn’t have any competition. Things have changed now. I play ESO, Lotro and FF14, all those games have way more non-raid content than WoW, and all those games are thriving.

If fact, a lot of the other big MMOs are all doing quite well, and most of them aren’t centering their game around raids.

WoW is a dinosaur when it comes to MMO design these days, they keep relying on an old formula that most modern MMO players just don’t care about anymore.

They can still have raids, but they need to shift their focus to different forms of content. Lord of the Rings Online is a good example, they still make raids, but they make a ton of other content for players to do that is not raiding. The raids they make as well are smaller in scope and scale, since so few players engage with that content.