Blizzards Population Gets Older yet they Make the story more PG?

To address this part:

  1. There are like a million Game of Thrones references from early WoW, before GoT was a show.
  2. I take no complaints of immature jokes seriously, when we dug through poop, gave ourselves and NPCs diarrhea and intestinal ditstress, etc. At least once per expansion. Come on.
  3. There are plenty of not cute things that I’ve seen in DF. The dying Orc in the inn at the bottom of the Ruby Lifeshrine has a super disturbing story, for instance.
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Just to reiterate how stupid this thread is.

We came off of 4 year rollercoaster that kicked off with genocide, followed by a world war, followed by diving into the realms of the dead where we were trying to stop the end of everything.

And the 1 year where they pull that kind of endless nihilism back, got people grabbing their pearls talking about Disneyficiation.

Children pretending to be adults I swear to the Light…


Even though I hate Frozen, at least it has a coherent plot and pretty visuals LMAO

I dunno, Encanto was pretty good and that came out when… 2022? 2021?

At least Disney is so far above WoW visuals-wise (though that is to be expected and really isn’t fair to compare).

Let me put it this way.

I love cartoony cartoons that love to be cartoons.
But I DON’T like that WoW has become a cartoony cartoon that wants to be a cartoon (writing, dialogue, tone, etc), because that is not what WoW is supposed to be.
Now, I won’t sit here and pretend that WoW was always this dark, gritty, serious franchise, nor was it EVER a masterpiece in ANY way, but it was never cocomelon-bait like it is now. I mean, have you SEEN their social media accounts? Who the HELL are they trying to market to?

Well , whats wrong with wanting violence? The name of the game is World of WARCRAFT. You know… War?


It is so crazy how the franchise has the word “war” in it, but the writers want to morally grandstand using beloved fictional characters instead. GO WORK ON SOMETHING THAT ISN’T WOW! GO WORK ON LIFE IS STRANGE INSTEAD!

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its like saying the wnba is on par when the nba exists, thats literally the comparison here in profit,

At what point has there not been violence in this game?


it is real from teh perpective of who is telling it . Why do people have such a hard time with this concept and blurt out RETCON when something is told from a differnt perpective .

Our history , science and just about every other thing on earth is exactly teh same . History is always from the perpective of the winners -we are the good guys and teh loosers is teh bad guy , but if told from teh losers perspective it may read very differently .

Science is teh same - it is teh truth with the knowledge we have now , but something may come up or be discovered in teh future that enhances and changes or outright disproves what we think is absolutly true now .

All on going stories need to grow , to change or they become boring and stale . Yet people still think that something from the very beginning of WOW , told by he narator at teh time is absolute truth

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your right, but I believe any company who starts to make profit off phone games their business is gonna adjust to that, but why not put out pc games when you can still make some profit, its just their not gonna be making great games anymore, and the more profit they make off phone games the more incentive they have to focus more on that and just keep everything else on maintenance, my point really is the franchises we love are getting turned into advertisement for phone games, and to milk whatever micro transactions they have, diablo immortal , and then them making warcraft rumble really prove this to me because the games just dont have that passion like the people making it care about it, phone games dont need that passion, no matter what happens in the world this is a business and its ONLY goal is to make profit

The name of the game is World of WarCRAFT. The primary in-game activities should be cozy scrapbooking and knitting simulation puzzle games. You know… Craft?


Stories and worlds need a foundation to build upon. When you constantly shift that foundation, it all falls apart.

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And yet the Lion king was great,symbolic example and there is a similarity . We don’t need a violate story to make it great but a good story to have a good meaning . We as a society have to chose which one can represent us for a future beyond a game. which one for the history does Wow wishes to record?

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Lion King was also ripped off almost frame by frame from an anime. The actors were all under the impression they were doing a remake. But sometime between then and release Disney decided to lie and go “original story”.

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But it was recorded,what do you wish to the future that the next generation can see us?

Except there is no similarity, because this thread isn’t actually about that.

It’s about adult children who had to spend a single year not being drowned in overindulgent nihilism claiming it’s Disneyfication because feelings aren’t for “real men”.

It’s stupid and to try and act like it’s some deep discussion about how the next generation will see us, is also stupid.


Well,their we go,all recorded history of wow,let the young learn from it. :rofl:

what I may call a significant path from a foundation you may think is a trivial things that can be swept aside because you believe this differnt path is the right one . Everything is always from teh point of view of who is seeing/living/telling it and what information they have at hand .

Remember, Blizzard caters to China, and the Chinese censors will absolutely obliterate anything that is Game of Thrones related.

Not HBO fans, or mad that George is probably never going to finish ASoIaF

There is truth to this,wow is so big after 20 years that the basic story changed but it doesn’t have one united foundation it more fluid ,it has to be in order to keep going. If it did have one base everyone would know it and just throw it over in the trash. The unknown is better than the known for story telling.