Blizzards Population Gets Older yet they Make the story more PG?

My point exactly. You need to practice what you preach.

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If people are being honest, you don’t need to google that. Anybody who has been in a guild or in a raid knows how skewed the male to female ratio is.


I read it.

Let’s compare to your sources, which… well, don’t exist. /shrug


And in another thread someone is panicking about the inclusion of LGTBQ story lines and characters being too provocative. :woman_shrugging:


Most adults with jobs have vacation time and pto that they use to do things they enjoy, including conventions of all types. Ones who have kids often take them with. I promise you all of my friends from gaming are adults, and I meet up with whoever I can when they make trips to Las Vegas for nerdy events.

I agree with you. It was more in opposition to another poster who generalized the average WoW player into a degrading position to discredit valid criticisms of the game state.

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dont ppl realize since they start making phone games pc games dont matter, look at the profit be real for a second theres pushing out more phone games as blizzard now too its been the plan the whole time warcraft d4 is just to get more people into phone games once they play diablo immortal arc light or hearthstone they might download candy crush or something too , dragon flight proves this with all the announcements of new phone games under blizzard franchises

I am, by looking at mostly reputable harvested statistics and by looking at them objectively, not subjectively. The reality is that the bulk of the non-“normie” gamers are single, never married and in the 25-45 bracket now. By normie, I mean people that would normally play your typical games like CoD, FIFA, regular single player games, etc. MMOs tend to attract the weirdos a bit more than other genres, which further ups the odds of the memes and stereotypes holding true.

Well stereotypes are a thing for a reason and the meme mostly holds true.

You guys are free to think whatever you want. The point is that the industry, as a whole, knows and creates content around these types of statistics and demographics. At any rate, the kids are up and the Monday morning chaos is about to commence, so my work is done here for now.

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If you look down at the bottom that is the reason ,why it is pg. They have tried to raise the rating but some how couldn’t. It takes a lot to do so and a lot of money to change this.

And you’re the stereotypical contrarian creating strawman arguments to validate themselves. We could do this all day.

Stereotyping is the most basic way of discrediting someone without any real argument to the contrary because they know they are arguing from a failed position.

Basically this is you, “Im right because you’re insert X superficial characteristic

Stereotyping Definition

What is a simple definition of stereotype?

: an often unfair and untrue belief that many people have about all people or things with a particular characteristic.

Hopefully you learned something today :slight_smile:


More like think of your customer base. Why pander to a tiny portion of your community while ignoring your main demographic.

Then people act shocked when their main demographic stops playing the game.


Been killing people for nearly 20 years and I’m still gods gift. Never going to be the bad guy

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You’re hilarious

Eh, idk about that. Disney has fallen just as hard as WoW has in recent years


“Appeal to women”?


That’s like saying baseball doesn’t matter because basketball is a thing.

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Did you see the recent South park special?


Yeah, the older, more mature customer base probably wants story, and motives deeper than good guy smash bad guy. And that’s what we’re getting. DOOM exists if you want minimal story, and an excuse of violence for violence’s sake.


What motives?

The story is such a convoluted mess and they ret con old lore whenever they need to. How do we even know this story is the real story? You sure it won’t be retconned in the next expansion?


You are mixing things. Yes, mobile games are a huge market with a lot of money but that does not mean other platform should not exist. What you are saying is everyone should develop/play phone games and there is no point of creating pc/console games. It does not work that way.

Also, there are a lot of older gamers that refuse to play mobile games. I personally do not play any mobile games and most likely won’t ever play them. I only played Immortal because there was a pc version and deleted the game immediately after finishing the campaign.

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