Blizzard's Piecemeal Balancing

I’m just annoyed at how Blizzard tackled Wrath. Things should have either been expectedly broken, or they should have taken a reasoned approach to balancing, looking at the impact as to how their changes will impact the game as a whole.

Blizzard did neither.

Enh Shamans having to use their main defensive in ICC as an offensive talent is about as toxic as Hunters having to Explosive Trap weave, but Enh got no love. Ferals were supposed to be good in ICC (Not gods) and now every other class that uses ArP items is just kind of left in the water because the upgrades are so much better for ferals. Rogues, a pure dps class, are somehow projected to be the lowest damaging class in BiS, which seems insane (and maybe inaccurate, tbd).

Idk why I’m writing this. I guess I’m just frustrated with these piecemeal, impossible to predict and sometimes impossible to justify, changes. Original Wotlk had a lot of heart and a lot of intention behind the design of the game, and I just wish if Blizzard was set on better balancing Wrath Classic they took the same mindset.



I think they’ve justified all of the changes. You may not agree with the justifications, but they did offer a justification.

The fact that retail wotlk had anub add tank block cheese and the insane scaling of unholy DKs are some things that weren’t intentional.

The original wotlk designers didn’t see the importance of resetting major cooldowns between boss encounters, but the use of that in today’s age is a very welcome change.

Yes, but they either should have decided to balance their game, or leave it be. Piecemeal changes feel bad.

From a buff/nerf scenario, it feels insane that Blizzard left Unholy absolutely busted, Fury as dog-water, and then piecemeal buffed Ferals and Rets.

From a class design perspective, they make helpful gameplay changes like resetting raid cds, Explosive Trap, Demo Pact Snap Shotting, Muching, etc. while leaving others behind like Fire Totem Range and Enh Tier-10.

Idk. Again, I don’t personally mind if they want to make tweaks to improve the game or better balance, I just wish they’d take an actual holistic approach to it.

Edit: I don’t even play any of these classes lol. I just want some consistency.


None of this matters. The bosses still die, even if you don’t follow a meta.

Don’t be a sheep.

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Post on your main so I can follow how long it takes you to kill Heroic LK.

This is my main.

Also, I killed Arthas back in 2010. I wore all plate. Did just fine.

Well you should be, classes who were going to be ok in ICC we’re buffed and classes who were going to be less than ok got the ugly stick, I dont like it, pallys and druids love it, you dont like it but blizz loves it. Nothing that you can do about it sadly :l

I dunno, i feel like they addressed the problems as they became apparent. Not sure they had the forethought to fix munching while we were in naxx and decided to do their first buff/nerf.

From my perspective, they don’t WANT to make changes or balance, but there are some things that just need to be looked at. #nochanges crowd would have munching still exist, even though we know the experience is better to have that fixed.

Cough cough… says the master chief class. But wait till icc get here and we can see if these so called predictions are true.

I don’t even know if we’re disagreeing. I’m not necessarily in the #nochanges camp. I quit Vanilla because it got boring when you had a raid comp of 20 warriors and everyone else was mildly irrelevant. I also couldn’t stand the pigeon holed, insanely tailored comps you had to bring in TBC. It was a nightmare.

But once Blizzard decided in Wotlk Classic to start more aggressively tuning balance in real time, whether through buffs or gameplay (which generally resulted in buffs), they should have had a big Q and A about what they were looking to achieve.

A little communication goes a long way, is all.


Blizzard and communication do not go hand in hand xD

I guess I;m fine with the changes, I just don’t feel they are has hamfisted or piecemeal as you.

Idk if you play Ret, but most people are fine with changes when they are the beneficiary. My main point is Blizzard has created a pretty big unnecessary uproar when they left out everyone else who feel like their class has unresolved issues.


prot since tbc :slight_smile:

Yeah, he does not care, blizz could care less. Make the best of it dude.

There shouldn’t be any balance changes. Leave the game alone. People know exactly what they’re getting into.


They justified changes but the justifications were ad-hoc and case by case. Literally the same case made for the buffs and nerfs they made for Ret, Feral, and UH could have equally been made for other classes and specs. If the threshold for why they were preferenced is a certain number or objective threshold then that needed to be established and communicated.

Focussing on specific classes due to community feedback is not objective. But there doesn’t seem to be a metric used that was more general - such as a damage threshold. Being x% too high or low, or X numbers of population compared to the whole.

Rather they used fairly arbitrary benchmarks like “community feedback” and “We want Fury to be the line for low end dps”.

Very arbitrary lines to draw that were not well justified or quantified.

Essentially if you got a buff you think it was fair and if you didn’t you don’t - because the benchmarking wasn’t set (or communicated) in a fair way. They did it like “fixing ad-hoc issues as they arise” without having an objective standard by which that was measured


This is a solid summation of my overall point. If they wanted to make changes, fine, but they should have articulated what their goals were, and then assessed the game as a whole. They didn’t do that, and now a lot of people feel unheard.

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They balance or they don’t, doesn’t matter to me either way. Gonna play some mains, gonna play some alts, dunno how many. All I know is it won’t ever be any one single class, my class, oh my class, my one true love, nothing else for me, no sirree.

Prog dps is within ~20% of each other, bottom end to top end. Of course some will do more, some will do less. They all have a unique feel to them, certain charms that make every class worth playing. I couldn’t give a flying F that my feral will be doing 4.8% more than my aff lock instead of the other way around in full bis. If you got 18 dps in a raid, they’re all gonna pull somewhere around 5.5% of the damage each, plus or minus percent or so. Sometimes you’ll have ppl at 4.5% and others at 6.5%. Sometimes it’ll be flip flopped depending on encounter. You play the best you can play, see all the content the game has to offer, and you beat the game. Then you go play another game. Sitting around crying about this or that Jesus F Christ, WHY? Just play the damn game or don’t.

The OP brought up a valid issue, he may have other alts that he plays but its still fair to bring up, x,y class got an improvement cause they were lacking, how about z gets an improvement since you know they are also lacking.

Are you talking about Classic or OG Wrath team?

I’m actually very happy with the way Wrath was handled by Classic team. They’ve address so many issues and not all 2002-2010 game designs have aged all that well.

This has nothing to do with Classic team though. Back in OG Wrath trapvweaving wasn’t really a thing. It’s the players that made it a thing. Minmaxing/logs are the meta in Classic.

90% of stuff you mentioned was literally in OG Wrath and has nothing to do with Classic.

I don’t understand what the rant is about. Is it about poor design choices of 2010 team or of Classic?