Blizzards new LFG UI is just the Mythic+ tool

Don’t be like that.


Maybe they can tweak it a slight bit more, and add ‘‘Find group’’ button, and make it cross realm and port u there. Then their work would be finished imo, a beautiful product, such good developers.

Anyone else becoming increasingly less excited for WotLK?

I went from being stoked to “there are other games out there.”


I would rather Glinda troll me on the daily then Blizz give us whatever terrible idea this is.


maybe cross realm shards and raids but not random 5 mans lol

I have a bridge in San Francisco for sale, low bids acceptable.


Go back farther, every time feedback was asked for by them it was ignored(SL beta testing) this isn’t just about being ignored on RDF its about the asked for player feedback being ignored almost always in the recent history of this game.
Also not releasing this in the Classic forums and only in the CC section is big cowardice.

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‘Faceless NPC’ syndrome started in Cataclysm because of LFD.

I’ve heard good things about that dinosaur game.

What game?

The one with dinosaurs. :t_rex::sauropod:


I have to laugh, or I’m going to get angry. And that’s dangerous.

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Weeb Adventures Online :stuck_out_tongue:


Jumping through all these extra hoops just to double down on the removal of a tool that in no universe needs to be removed. Unbelievable.

Classic is about reliving the expansion as it was, “warts and all”. Remember that? But to sit there and claim that being able to queue for dungeons was a wart is ridiculous. Nothing about group finder is detrimental to any sort of insane socialization ideal.

that don’t compromise on the things that make Classic loved in the first place

The thing that people love about classic versions of the game is getting to experience it as it was previously. This is literally the worst possible change that you could have ever come up with, and I’m glad the community is revolting against it.

Literal two IQ decision. All this work to fix something that was never even broken. Backtracking half steps, changing the Wrath experience more and more just to, what? What are you even trying to do? Appease some insignificant lunatic fringe that wants to continue gatekeeping trivial content?



I tried FF14.

Deleted it after an hour.

(Edited so Cauchy wouldn’t have a fit.)


Only money. Removal of LFD yields more money.

Well, until the subs start dropping in p2/p3.


That’s actually funny they’re doing exactly what I thought they do and whatever everybody else thought they would do they’re literally just moving the group finder tool from retail to class.

Except no teleportation to the dungeon Wow just wow and this is better than lfd how ?

I wonder if there’s enough room in the group announcement text for 4100GS + ICC Hero Achieve link…Utgard Keep normal. Fast run


I have a great guild which is why I’m gonna play wrath regardless of LFD. If I was walking into WOTLK fresh though, lol no thanks.

I told my friend who used to play wow that wotlk was coming out and he had some cursory interest. I told him a few weeks back that they’re not putting in LFD, and he laughed and said lol no thanks I’ll just go play on Warmane.